Day Two Hundred and Eleven
De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Gorefan.
Tuesday, 31st July.
Hedhyw ew
an diwettha dedh a’n mis. Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh a vis nowydh. Thera dhen
awel dòbm en mis Gorefan, ha nag era dhen glaw lowr. Crin ew o glesin. An gwels
ew melen (keth ew an whynas glas). Ma dens lew rag an cònidnas. Saw, martesen,
nag eus boos lowr rag an edhyn. Rag hedna, me a bernas üdn kilogram a has edhyn
ken metya gen o howethes dhe gawas coffy.
Today is the last day of the month. Tomorrow will be
the first day of a new month. We had hot weather in July, and we didn’t have
enough rain. My lawn is parched. The grass is yellow (though the weeds are
green). There are dandelions for the rabbits. But, perhaps there isn’t enough
food for the birds. Therefore, I bought 1kg of bird seed before meeting my
friend to have coffee.
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