Day Two Hundred and Twenty-nine

Dew Cansves Dedh Naw warn Ügens

De Sadorn, ethdegves mis Est.   
Saturday, 18th August.
Skith o vy lebmyn. Ma whans dhebm a gosca bes thew an flehes wydn dhebm whath pur dhifün. Na vedn anjei moas tre terebo avorow. Nei a wrüg fittya boos warbarth. Nei a wrüg debry haunsel, kidnyow ha coon warbarth. Nei a wrüg kerdhes gen kei warbarth. Nei a wrüg gwary e’n lowarth, mires ort TV, marhasna ha kemeres fotos  warbarth. Lebmyn me venja boas heb company!

I am tired now. I want to sleep but my grandchildren are still wide awake. They won’t go home till tomorrow. We cooked together. We ate breakfast, lunch and supper together. We walked with dogs together. We played in the garden together, watched TV, shopped and took photos together. Now I would like to be without company!


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