Day Three Hundred and Thirty-one

Trei Hansves Dedh Üdnek warn Ügens

De Merher, ethves warn ügens mis Dû.
Wednesday, 28th November

An liw kensa aral ew 'blou'. Res ew dhebm usya an ger ma, dhort an Frenkek 'bleu', na 'glas'. 'Blou' ew golow gen todnhes adro dhe pemp cans nanometer. 'Glas' alja bos adro dhe pemp cans ha hanter cans nanometer ewedh, po liwyow kemeskys. Blou ew pub pres an keth liw - an liw eborn heb cloudys en hav (po neb seson aral). 'Glas' ew liw an mor en awel da ha hager awel, pub dedh deffrans. 'Glas' ew liw planjow magata. Me ell perna piben a paynt 'blou' bes na aljama perna bes udn biben a'n liw 'glas'.

The other primary colour is 'blou' (blue). I have to use this word from the French 'bleu', not 'glas'. Blue is light with a wavelength about 500nm. 'Glas' could be about 550nm as well, or mixed colours. 'Blou' is always the same colour - the colour of a cloudless sky in summer (or any other season). 'Glas' is the colour of the sea in good weather and in storm, every day different. 'Glas' is the colour of plants as well. I can buy a tube of 'blou' paint but I couldn't buy only one tube of the colour 'glas'.


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