Day Three Hundred and Thirty-two
Trei Hansves Dedh Dewdhek warn Ügens
De Yow, nawhes warn ügens mis Dû.
Thursday, 29th November
Sqwat! E veu tros ûhel e’n nos. Pur wenjek o hei, gwens crev. Pandra wrüga nei cavos e’n mettin? Nag eus caletter et agan lowarth nei. Bes gwrewgh mires orth an nessa lowarth. Ma caletter brâs dhe’n kentrevek. Ma nebes gwedh hir dhodho et y lowarth ev. Onan anodhans a gollas hûjes scorren e’n tewlder. Nei ell gweles an brow. Na wrüg ev codha war an chei, na war bons bian, na war y vebel lowarth. Thew hedna fortüdnyes. Bes ev a dorras an neujen fôn. Res ew dhe’n kentrevek dhe drehy an predn gen hesken nerth.
Crash! There was a loud noise in the night. It was very windy, a strong wind. What did we find in the morning? There is no problem in our garden. But look at the next garden. The neighbour has a big problem. He has several tall trees in his garden. One of them lost a huge branch in the darkness. We can see the wound. It didn’t fall on the house, nor on a little bridge, nor on his garden furniture. That is fortunate. But it broke the phone wire. The neighbour has to cut the wood with a power saw.
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