Day Three Hundred and Twenty-six

Trei Hansves Dedh Whegh warn Ügens

De Gwener, tryja warn ügens mis Dû.

Friday, 23rd November

Ma eledh ow tos dhe Truru, eledh velyn (po owriek) gwydn (po arhans) aga eskelly. Mons ow pargesy (terneyja), dres Strêt Boscawen, reb Hel a'n Coyn, a-ûgh dhe'n men co gen garlons a vyllys rüdh. Oll an golowow Nadelik en Truru a veu tinys de Merher e'n gordhûher. E veu gool - Cita a Wolowow - gen procecyon a hûjes lugern adro dhe'n strêtys. E veu taclow erol ow terneyja gans an eledh. Otta colom a gres ha gensy branch oliv.

Angels come to Truro, yellow (or golden) angels with white (or silver) wings. They are hovering over Boscawen Street, by the Coinage Hall, above the war memorial with wreaths of red poppies. All the Christmas lights in Truro were switched on on Wednesday in the evening. There was a festival - City of Lights - with a procession of huge lanterns round the streets. There were other things hovering with the angels. Here's a dove of peace with an olive branch.


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