2019 Day 57
Dedh Seytek
ha Dogens
De Meurth, wheffes warn ügens mis Whevrel
26th February
Joy mar vrâs hedhyw! Thera genam dew veppik wheg
rag cowethas. Levrow ew da gens an kensa gevel, war an leur dres ehen. Ma
levrow en Sowsnek, Almaynek ha Polek (saw nag eus levrow Kernôwek whath). Da ew
gens an nessa gevel gwary gen tour a gistednow. Ma dhodho lies carr ewedh. Na
ell flehes gwary oll an termyn. Res veu dhodhans debry li ha còsca rag pols
bian. Nei oll a drovyas termyn en dohajedh dhe vos dhe’n park. An gevellyon a
wrüg ponya oll adro war an gwels ha helghy an colomednow. Anjei a veras orth an bujys en cawal vras.
great joy today! I had two dear little boys for company. The first twin likes
books, especially on the floor. There are books in English, German and Polish
(but there are no Cornish books yet). The second twin likes playing with a tower
of boxes. He also has a lot of cars. Children can’t play all the time. They had
to eat lunch and sleep for a little while. We all found time in the afternoon
to go to the park. The twins ran around on the grass and chased the pigeons. They looked at the budgies in a big cage.
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