2019 Day 108

Dedh Cans hag Eth
De Yow, ethdegves mis Ebrel
Thursday, 18th April

 Reb an treven ogas dhe'n savla tren en Truru nei ell gweles trei bleyn en topp Peneglos Truro. Mowns ow qwarthevya an cita. An derevyans a dhallathas en mil eth cans ha pajar ugens (e'n rayn Matêrnes Victoria) ha gorfednys veu en mil naw cans ha deg (e'n rayn Matêrn Edward VII). Ha pandr'ew hebma? Ewa castel? Ma va ogas dhe Stret Castel. Nag ew castel, ken ma semblans dhodho a gastel en topp menedh. Cort an Vatêrnes  ew, cortys a laha rag Kernow. Gorfednys ew hei en mil naw cans eth ha pajar ugens. Dhort taclow bras dhe dra vian - grewgh mires orth an wenenen vlewek ma! Cargys ew hei gen bleus flourys an gùckous Spaynek, rag hedna thew hei pur syger . 
By the houses near the train station in Truro we can see three points at the top of Truro Cathedral. They dominate the city. The building began in 1880 (in the reign of Queen Victoria) and was finished in 1910 (in the reign of King Edward VII). And what is this? Is it a castle? It is near Castle Street. It is not a castle, though it looks like a castle on top of a hill. It's the Queen's Court, law courts for Cornwall. It was finished in 1988. From big things to a small thing - look at this bumblebee. It's loaded with pollen of the Spanish bluebells, so it is very slow.


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