2019 Day 109

Dedh Cans ha Naw
De Gwener, nawnjegves mis Ebrel
Friday, 19th April 

Me a welas an loor newher òja hanter nos. Rag fra veu vy pur dhifün e’n termyn na? Clav o vy, gen cleves virusek – me a whejas. An loor a vedh leun haneth en nos, òja hanter nos. “Loor Gwydnrüdh (Kigliw)” henwys ew hei. (Na wora vy rag fra!)  An foto ma a veu kemerys e'n vledhen eus passyes. Hedhyw ew De Gwener an Grows, dedh pur sans. Warlergh an vorrow coth torthellow crows tòbm ew debrys hedhyw, saw nag eus dhebm ewl boos. Thens spîsyes ha ma corrants ha sultanas ettans.  Ma crows ow tisqwedhas an grows Jesus, an spîs ew rag an spîsys gorrys war y gorf ha, martesen, ma’n corrants ow tisqwedhas an kentrow war an grows. Arhadow an kensa Matêrnes Elisabeth a leveras na alja anjei bos debrys bes en Nadelik, Pask hag encledhyansow. Re Gatholyk o anjei rag matêrnes Protestant. Ma rim coth rag flehes. Piw a vedn y dreylya?   

I saw the moon last night after midnight. Why was I wide awake at that time? I am sick, with a viral infection – I vomited. The moon will be full tonight, after midnight. It’s called a “Pink Moon”.  (I don’t know why!) This photo was taken last year. Today is Good Friday (Friday of the Cross), a very holy day. Traditionally hot cross buns are eaten today, but I have no appetite. They are spicy and have currants or sultanas in them. A cross shows the cross of Jesus, the spice is for the spices put on his body and, perhaps, the currants represent the nails on the cross. A decree of Queen Elizabeth I said that they could only be eaten at Christmas, Easter and funerals. They were too Catholic for a Protestant queen. There is an old children’s rhyme. Who will translate it?


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