2019 Day 112
Dedh Cans
ha Dewdhek
De Lün, nessa warn ügens mis Ebrel
22nd April
Da ew gen
an flogh bian brodnyon (kergh) gen morednow (mor). Ma mor dû, moyar rüdh,
morednow cala, corrants dû ha mor erel en fardel et ow stiver (copart rew). Oll
ew pur rüdh! Ma va ow tesky maga y honan gen lo (po gans y dhiwla). Negys pur bloos
ewa. E’n dohajedh thera odhom dhodho a sôg, bes nag eus whans dhodho a gòsk.
Etho me a gerras (gerdhas) ganjo en cariach baby rag hanter our. Ev a wrüg gosôwes
(goslowes) ort an edhyn ow cana e’n keow. Nei a salüjas casek dhû ow hentrevoges. Jorna
teg o bes gwenjek. Lacka o en pelder. Reb an treth tho an ayr leun a dewes. Na
aljama gweles an mor awos an enawel tewes. E veu (y feu) dhodho mir a niwl po ligyn.
The baby likes porridge (oats) with berries. There
are blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants and other berries in
a packet in my freezer (freezer cabinet). All are very red! He is learning to
feed himself with a spoon (or with his two hands). It’s a very messy business.
In the afternoon he needed a nap, but he didn’t want a sleep. So I walked with
him in a buggy for half an hour. He listened to the birds singing in the
hedges. We greeted my neighbour’s black mare. It was a lovely day but windy. It
was worse in the distance. By the beach the air was full of sand. I could not
see the sea because of the sandstorm. It looked like fog or mist.
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