2019 Day 118
Dedh Cans
hag Etek
De Sül, eth warn ügens mis Ebrel
28th April
“Me a
venja cawas kefewy rag Dylan en chei whei,” emedh agan mergh wydn. “Nag eus
spas lowr et ow radnjy.” Whans veu dhedhy cawas “boos kefewy” ewedh, ha tesen
bednbloodh. “Ha an boos a dal bos heb kig.” Etho, na veu tabm kig veth war an
bord. (Saw ow gour a dhebras cofen kig sley a-drenewen!) Na veu spas lowr rag
oll an boos ha dewosow war an bord; res veu dhen gorra taclow moy war venk. “Eus
tollyers luk?” Coth o vy ha therama creuny lies tra. Ottobma scüdel weder amber
dhort üdn voderep. Ottena bolla gweder dhort üdn ownter. Ha henn ew tollyer
dhort dama wydn. Ma gan teylû ow tebry meur a voos, ha trosüs ens. Oll anodhans
a vedn clappya en kettermyn ha whans ew dhe’n flehes ponya adro. Kei agan mergh
a dheuth ewedh. Thew ev nebes ownek ogas dhe’n baby (saw da ew an kei ganjo).
An gath, bettegens, ew pur omjersys.
“I would like to have a party for Dylan at your
house,” said our granddaughter. “There isn’t enough room in my flat.” She
wanted to have “party food” as well, and a birthday cake. “And the food must be
vegan.” So, there wasn’t a scrap of meat on the table. (But my husband ate a
meat pasty on the side!) There wasn’t enough room for all the food and drinks
on the table; we had to put more things on a bench. “Are there enough serving
dishes?” I’m old and I hoard lots of things. Here’s an amber glass dish from
one aunt. There’s a glass dish from one uncle. And this is a platter from a
grandmother. Our family eat lots of food, and they are noisy. All of them want
to talk at the same time and the children want to run around. Our daughter’s
dog came as well. He was a bit nervous near the baby (but he likes the dog).
The cat, however, is very relaxed.
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