
Showing posts from August, 2019

2019 Day 243

Dedh Dew Cans Do gens ha Trei De Sadorn, ü dnegves warn ü gens mis Est Saturday, 31 st August Thew hebma an diwettha dedh a vis Est ha'n diwettha dedh hav a veteorologieth. An brâssa radn a havyjy gen flehes ew gellys kerr (e kerdh). Dewhelys ens dhe'n anedhow aga honan dhe vos parys rag an vledhen scol nowydh. Thew an treth ogas ha gwag marnas clubb judo, trethek aga lavregow. Ma whath tüs gen keun teg. Anjei ell gòrtos termyn hirra – nag ü jy an keun mos dhe scol. Ma gwrians brâs war an treth (merkya cors) ha reb an treth. Avorow e vedh (y fedh) kestrif “Triathlon Surf” - neyja e'n mor, pònya war an treth ha'n tewenyow, diwrosa en vorrow (fordhow) a'n costys a-hes. Kemerowgh with a veikoryon! Ma lies toll e'n vorr (fordh). Merkys ens gen nebonan gen paynt rüdhvelyn. This is the last day of August and the ultimate day of meteorological summer. Most summer visitors with children have gone away. They have returned to their own homes to be ready f...

2019 Day 242

Dedh Dew Cans Do gens ha Dew De Gwener, degves warn ü gens mis Est Friday, 30 th August T ü s en Kernow a gar art Keltek. My a aspias desîn pur dha war gert covys ogas dhe'n morrep. Da ew gans an berhednyon “marhoga” war stulyow playnya, stylednow ros ha stylednow ergh. Ma trei den kelmys warbarth aga brehow ha garrow e'n vaner Keltek, ha 'ga stylednow reb aga threys. En kescùssülyans e veu sin gen trei gar pecar'a tribedh crüllyes. An niver trei ew gwelys arta e'n arvow Kernow. Ma pemdhek besont en treihornek. Hedna veu arwòdh nebes gwicoryon gòstla Kernow neb a gòlas arhans dhe Vetêrn Jowan. Gwelys ew an besons en pub le. People in Cornwall love Celtic art. I spotted a very good design on a van near the seaside. The owners like riding on surfboards, skateboards and snowboards. There are three men with their arms and legs knotted together in the Celtic manner, and their boards by their feet. In a conference there was a sign with three leg...

2019 Day 241

Dedh Dew Cans Do gens ha Wonan De Yow, nawes warn  ü gens mis Est Thursday, 29 th  August Jorna da ew dhe gemeres dor taclow ew coth po diantel. Ello whei gweles den, r ü dh y gota, e'n wedhen na? Surjeon gwedh ew ev. Pur hir ew an wedhen ha ma othom dhodho a lovan. Ma va o trehy dor nebes branchys dor gen hesken. Lebmyn an wedhen a vedh saw. Et agan lowarth ma crow callek dhe vos diswres. Nag eus othom dhen a lovan bes trogenter ha morthol. Nag ew calish – an crow a vedn codha dor y honan. Ma r ü dhek bian o mires ort an whel dhort besowen wydn. Da via ganjo lebmel dor ha cachya nebes prevyon bian. Ha pandr'ew hebma war styllen? Mirowgh ort y skeus! Tycky Duw ew. It's a good day to take down things that are old or dangerous. Can you see a man with a red coat in that tree? He is a tree surgeon. The tree is very tall and he needs a rope. He is sawing down several branches. Now the tree will be safe. In our garden there is a rusty shed to be dismantled. We ...

2019 Day 240

Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew  Ügens De  Merher , ethves warn  ü gens mis Est Wednesday, 28 th  August   Ma towlow en Kernow dhe vyldya corsow nowydh moy rag diwrosow (ha pobel war droos). Ma corsow diwrosow lowr solabres bes an re nowydh a wra jùnya nebes anodhans warbarth. An whel a wra gül devnydh a gorsow coosweyth, gweliow henfordhow horn, trolerghow na moy ûsyes ha ponjow.  Pe trolergh a vedh  ûsyes rag cors nowydh?  A wra an pons coth ma bos  ûsyes?  Oberow alja dallath en diw mil hag  ü gens. E vedh pons kerdh nowydh a- û gh vorr vrâs. Nag ew pùb hüny lowen. Nebes teleryow alja bos gwethhes. Ew hebma protest? There are plans in Cornwall to build more new cycle (and pedestrian) tracks. There are plenty of cycle tracks already but the new ones will link some of them together. The work will make use of forestry tracks, old railway track beds, disused footpaths and bridges. Which footpath will be used for a new track? Wi...

2019 Day 239

Dedh Dew Cans Nawnj ek warn Ügens   De Meurth , seythves warn ü gens mis Est Tuesday, 27 th August De Meurth ew jorna rag coffy, cowl ha Kern ô wek. My a vetyas gans o howethesow en chei coffy gelwys “Lily's” en Truru. Ha my o mos war tûa Stret Pedera my a gerdhas dres an beneglos. Ma blejyowek ledan, gen lowr flourys a bùb ehen, nessa dhe'n vos - rag "Truru Gwels". Nei a dhabras cowl caretys ha coriander spîsyes gen trogh a limaval glas - delicyous dhe dhebry. En kettermyn, en Ty war'n Heyl, ma whath routh veur a havyjy war an treth. Gellys vedh anjei scon. An shoppas a vedh degëys rag gwav. Ma boutik skichow – ma whans dhe'n perhen dhe wakhe y stylednow. My a bernas copel a skichow ort pris isel. Tuesday is a day for coffee, soup and Cornish language. I met friends in a caf é called “Lily's” in Truro. As I was going to Pydar Street I walked past the cathedral. There is a wide flower bed, with plenty of flowers of all kinds, ne...

2019 Day 238

Dedh Dew Cans Et ek warn Ügens De Lün , wheffes warn ü gens mis Est Monday, 26 th August Ma nebes üdnik adro dhe'n ke Kernow. Thens mar haval ha whath mar deffrans ew anjei oll. Leun a losow ew an ke ma - reden, spern gwydn, idhyow ha dreys. Ma lies oganen war an spern gwydn – hedna a vedh da rag an edhyn en gwav. Ma'n idhyow o ton blejyow – da ew hedna lebmyn gans an qwilkioresow (gohy). My a g ù ntelas nebes mor dû war an dreys – dhe vryjyon gen avalow. Res veu dhe nei composa agan lowarth – nei a gavas taclow coth e'n ke. E'n jedh hedhyw ma caffloryon frajen Consel Kernow. En termyn eus passyes towlys o taclow en ke. Nei a drovyas bryckys garow – gwres gen piw, ha pe oos? Thens trigva bestes bian – bulhornes ha lôw lowar. Otta bottel medhacneth coth ha gòles bason golhy. Res ew dhebm aga maylya en papar nowodhow. There is something unique about the Cornish hedge. They are so similar and yet they are all so different. This hedge is full of plant...

2019 Day 237

Dedh Dew Cans Seyt ek warn Ügens De S ü l , pempes warn ü gens mis Est Sunday, 25 th August Hedhyw a veu dedh rag teylû. Spladn o an gewer – howlyek ha tòbm lowr. Jorna da o rag barbecuw (rag scrowlya boos war dan bian) ha debry en lowarth. Nei a dhabras ly pur dha. Moderep, gorvoderep, ownter, gorownter, dama, dama wydn, tas wydn, henvabm, noyth, gornoyth, noy, carer, cares, gwer, gwregeth, broder, hôr, horydh wheg ha môy – thera nei oll ena en seyth person. Dew dhen coth, üdn den yonk, diw venyn goth, diw venyn yonk hag üdn meppik bian a sedhas dor dhe dhebry, eva ha cowsel. Me a estemyas an frûtys e'n lowarth – brâssa ha gwel ens avel an re dhe vy! Ha nag ew an avalow diswres gen edhyn whath. An meppik a veu didhanys gen whethfyansow an dowr sebonüs. Ha lowen o an gwenen gans an flourys. Oops! Na ellama rekna. Thera eth ahana nei! Today was a day for family. The weather was splendid – sunny and hot enough. It was a good day for a barbecue (for grilling food ...

2019 Day 236

Dedh Dew Cans Whet ek warn Ügens De Sadorn , pajwora warn ü gens mis Est Saturday, 24 th August Res ew dhe flehes desky dhe dhebry heb gweres. En kensa mowns o tebry gans aga diwla. Da ew gans an flogh ma knithya ys wheg (mays). “A via da dhodho mos dhe'n treth?” nei a wr ü g omwoven. Etho, nei a gerras (gerdhas) war nans bys e'n dre. Pur vesy o an treth, bes nei a gavas spas war dôwyn. “Pandr'ew hebma?” a brederas an maw bian. “Treth ew hedna,” emedh y vabm. “Na wra y dhebry. Ha na wra rutya dha lagajow.” Saw na veu whans dhodho a wary gans an treth. Gwell veu ganjo an lawlen.   Children must learn to eat without help. First they eat with their two hands. This child likes to nibble sweetcorn (maize). “Would he like to go to the beach?” we wondered (asked ourselves). So, we walked down the hill to the village. The beach was very busy, but we found a space on a dune. “What is this?” thought the little boy. “It's sand,” said his mother. “Don't e...