2019 Day 241

Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Wonan
De Yow, nawes warn ügens mis Est
Thursday, 29th August

Jorna da ew dhe gemeres dor taclow ew coth po diantel. Ello whei gweles den, rüdh y gota, e'n wedhen na? Surjeon gwedh ew ev. Pur hir ew an wedhen ha ma othom dhodho a lovan. Ma va o trehy dor nebes branchys dor gen hesken. Lebmyn an wedhen a vedh saw. Et agan lowarth ma crow callek dhe vos diswres. Nag eus othom dhen a lovan bes trogenter ha morthol. Nag ew calish – an crow a vedn codha dor y honan. Ma rüdhek bian o mires ort an whel dhort besowen wydn. Da via ganjo lebmel dor ha cachya nebes prevyon bian. Ha pandr'ew hebma war styllen? Mirowgh ort y skeus! Tycky Duw ew.

It's a good day to take down things that are old or dangerous. Can you see a man with a red coat in that tree? He is a tree surgeon. The tree is very tall and he needs a rope. He is sawing down several branches. Now the tree will be safe. In our garden there is a rusty shed to be dismantled. We don't need a rope but a screwdriver and hammer. It's not difficult – the shed wants to fall down itself. A little robin is watching the work from a silver birch tree. He would like to hop down and catch some little invertebrates. And what's this on a plank? Look at its shadow! It's a butterfly.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
diantel (a) dangerous (could also use peryllüs)
kemeres dor take down - other verbs can be used with dor, e.g.
codha dor fall down
gòrra dor put down/bring down
sqwattya dor knock down
trehy dor cut down
branchys (pl.) branches (can also use scorrow or scorednow)
Some (but not all) tools are feminine nouns, e.g.
hesken (f) saw
trogenter (f) screwdriver
morthol (m) hammer


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