2019 Day 271

Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens hag Üdnek

De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Gwedngala
Saturday, 28th September
Ma nebes treven teg en campùs Penryn. Hebma ew leur arethyow en chapel teg y veister. Thera bagas da ena rag kescùssülyans adro dhe story benenes en Kernow. An benenes a dhebarras dhort gwedhwesow bohojek dhe drosoreresow rych, dhort an re-na heb adhescans dhe re erel meur lettrys ha codnyk. Thera gallos polityk covys dhe nebes benenes. Kedhlow o calish rag an whithroresow dhe gavas, car dre hevel. Ma niveryans a'n bobel pub deg bledhen bes lies tra alja wharvos tredh niveryansow. Gwer alja mos dres mor nebes bledhednyow ha dos tre arta. Flehes alja bos genys ha bos marow. Fortyns alja bos gwres ha kellys po res dhe ves. Thera othom a whilas en lies ehen a govscrivow. My venja scrifa môy avorow, martesen. An jorna a dhiwedhas gen nebes canow bewek.

There are several lovely buildings in the Penryn campus. This is a lecture theatre in a chapel with beautiful windows.There was a good group there for an interesting conference about women's history in Cornwall. The women varied from poor widows to rich bankers, from those without education to others highly educated and clever. Some women had hidden political power (influence). Information was hard for the researchers to find, it seems. There is a public census every ten years but a lot of things could happen between censuses. Husbands could go overseas for several years and come back again. Children could be born and die. Fortunes could be made and lost or given away. There was a need to seek in all types of archives. I'd like to write more tomorrow, perhaps. The day finished with some lively songs.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

adhescans education, learning
bankoresow (f.pl.) bankers < bankores (f) < banker (m)
bohojek poor, impoverished (you can also use bojek or didra)
demedhys married < demedha/demydhy (verb)
gwedhwesow (f.pl.) widows < gwedhwes (f) < gwedhow (m&a)
gwer husbands (irregular plural) < gour husband
niveryansow a'n bobel censuses < niver number > nivera (verb)
trosoreresow (f.pl.) bankers, treasurers(f) < troserer (m)
wharvos to happen (you can also use hapnya)
whithroresow (f.pl.) researchers < whithrores (f) < whithra (verb)


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