
Showing posts from October, 2019

2019 Day 304

Dedh Trei Hans ha Pajar De Yow , ü dnegves warn ü gens mis Hedra Thursday, 31 st October Hedhyw thew an diwettha dedh a vis Hedra. Diwedh ew ewedh hanter golow an vledhen Keltek ha dallath an hanter tewel. Gellys ew hav. Ma gwav o tos. Bledhen Nowydh l ô wen dhewgh. Bes nag era nei o tanon (tanvon) cartednow rag an jedh ma. Ma termyn lowr dhebm whath rag gwil cartednow rag Nadelik ha'n vledhen nowydh ò ja hedna. Pandra wra vy liwya? Nebes es martesen. Pandr'ew an dra an m ô yha calish dhe liwya? Dowr ew! Pe liw ew dowr? En temperedh û syes dowr ew lin cler, heb liw, heb ô dor, heb sawarn. Re d ò bm, ma va o pryjyon, treylya dhe eth. Re yeyn, ma va o rewy, treylya dhe rew. Bes ellen nei gweles dowr? Nei a wel golow o tos der an dowr po golow dastewydnyes dhort enep an dowr. My a viras orth an ryver bian hedhyw. A wr ü ga vy gweles an dowr? Na wr ü g! My a welas glas ha donek, saw nag o an re-na liwyow an dowr. Tho anjei liwyow an eb ò rn a- û gh an ryver h...

2019 Day 303

Dedh Trei Hans ha Trei De Merher , degves warn ü gens mis Hedra Wednesday, 30 th October Hager awel arta! Na wr ü ga vy mos mes. Pur leb ew e'n l ô warth. Na venja bestes bos a-ves naneyl. Otta kenesen vr â s e'n geryn. Nag eus own dhebm. A-bele osta devedhys a genesen? Na ellesta remaynya obma – ma whans dhebm homdrockya. Ha nag eus boos veth rages. Saw c ü v o vy. Na wra vy dha worra dhe ves. Gwra crambla 'mann. My a wra scrifa o t ò chya nebes aral. Horrible weather again! I didn't go out. It's very wet in the garden.Animals didn't want to be outside either. Here's a big spider in the bath. I am not afraid. Where have you come from, spider? You can't remain here – I want to have a bath. And there is no food at all for you. But I am kind. I won't put you away. Climb up. I'll write about something else. D eg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today a-bele whence, from where a genesen o spider ( this is a rather ...

2019 Day 302

Dedh Trei Hans ha Dew De Meurth , nawhes warn ü gens mis Hedra Tuesday, 29 th October Hager awel! Tho an gewer hedhyw gleb ha gwenjek. Whethys tû bera a ves veu o glawlen – nebes gweythyow. Gwell ew mires orth kewer an par-na dhort beister. En Truru my a gawas coffy ha cowl et o chei coffy moyha kerys – ha mires ort an d ü s leb e'n stret. A-ves dhe'n kyttrin, ha my o mos tre, tho an vorr pur leb. An golowow oll an kerry o dastewydnyes. An gwenstrigas b ù ss o gleb ha discler. Thera othom a scübyllednow gwenstrigas. Storm! The weather today was wet and windy. My umbrella was blown inside out - several times. It's better to look at that kind of weather from a window. In Truro I had coffee and soup in my favourite caf é – and watched the wet people in the street. Outside the bus, as I was going home, the road was very wet. The lights of all the cars were reflected. The bus windscreen was wet and blurry. It needed windscreen wipers. D eg ...

2019 Day 301

Dedh Trei Hans hag Onan De L ün, ethves warn ü gens mis Hedra Monday, 28 th October Nag o egor hedhyw scol dew aga flehes wydn. Thera dedh traynyans dhe'n descadoryon - bes res veu mabm ha tas mos dh'aga whel. Tas ew descader y honan ha ma mabm o traynya dhe vos descadores! Traynyades ew hei. Treylys veu aga chei dhe scol rag nebes ourys. Thera gweythres scol dhe'n flehes. Bettegens, whel gorfednys (po nebes) po forsakys, gwel veu gans an flehes gwary pel droos gen tas wydn! Aga mergh a dheuth ewedh dhe scrifa nebes geryow ow t ò chya kellow (killigow). The school of two of our grandchildren was not open today. The teachers had a training day – but mum and dad had to go to their work. Dad is a teacher himself and mum is training to be a teacher! She is a trainee. Our house was turned into (became) a school for several hours. The children had school homework. However, work finished (almost) or abandoned, the children preferred to play football with ...

2019 Day 300

Dedh Trei Hans De S ü l , seythves warn ü gens mis Hedra Sunday, 27 th October Barrys o an jorna ma. E'n mettin my a wr ü g gwitha flogh. An maw bian a g ò scas et agan chei. Res veu dhen y vaga ha didhana. Teg o an awel, etho nei eth mes rag kerdh bian. My a welas lester gwydn br â s war an gorwel. Treweyth ü s ew hedna reb an cost norh. An tycky-Duw ma ew coynt ewedh – thewa pedn awartha awoles war vos! E'n dohajedh my a wr ü g lav ü rya et agan lowarth – ma lies dreysen ha whath m ô y linas dhe drehy. Thera lies gwibesen grevos ewedh. E'n androw dew flogh wydn m ô y a dheuth. Da ew ganjans gwary pel droos gen aga thas wydn. An pi a veu l ô wen ò ja aga dibarth – thera whans dhodho cavos boos e'n gwels.   This day was divided. In the morning I babysat. The little boy slept at our house. We had to feed him and amuse him. The weather was lovely, so we went out for a little walk. I saw a big white ship on the horizon. That is unusual by the n...

2019 Day 299

Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ü gens ha Nawnjek De Sadorn , wheffes warn ü gens mis Hedra Saturday, 26 th October Ma diw gath reb an veister. Ma'n eyl a-ves dhe'n gweder ha vedn dos a-jei, ha ma y gila war jei ha venja mos mes. Na wra vy egery an veister drefen bos re yeyn. Ma lappa cathes dhodhans – anjei ell û sya hedna. Ma enevales erel a venja dos a-jei ewedh. My ell cl ô wes gurnal û hel reb an portal. Ew hebma qwilkiores? Br â s lowr ew hei. Ew hei mat ê rnes po whath whirneres? Neyjys dhe ves ew hei lebmyn. Bes nag ew an dorgeun neyjys dhe ves. Anjei re balas emann an pilyow godhor. A wr ü g an godhes scappya? There are two cats by the window. One is outside the glass and wants to come in, and the other is inside and would like to go out. I am not going to open the window because it is too cold. They have a cat flap – they can use that. I can hear a loud buzz by the porch.Is this a wasp? It's rather big. Is it a queen or even a hornet? It has flown away now...