2019 Day 299

Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Nawnjek

De Sadorn, wheffes warn ügens mis Hedra
Saturday, 26th October

Ma diw gath reb an veister. Ma'n eyl a-ves dhe'n gweder ha vedn dos a-jei, ha ma y gila war jei ha venja mos mes. Na wra vy egery an veister drefen bos re yeyn. Ma lappa cathes dhodhans – anjei ell ûsya hedna. Ma enevales erel a venja dos a-jei ewedh. My ell clôwes gurnal ûhel reb an portal. Ew hebma qwilkiores? Brâs lowr ew hei. Ew hei matêrnes po whath whirneres? Neyjys dhe ves ew hei lebmyn. Bes nag ew an dorgeun neyjys dhe ves. Anjei re balas emann an pilyow godhor. A wrüg an godhes scappya?
There are two cats by the window. One is outside the glass and wants to come in, and the other is inside and would like to go out. I am not going to open the window because it is too cold. They have a cat flap – they can use that. I can hear a loud buzz by the porch.Is this a wasp? It's rather big. Is it a queen or even a hornet? It has flown away now. But the badgers have not flown away. They have dug up the mole hills. Did the moles escape?

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

an eyl … y gila the one … the other
a-jei inside, indoors (you can also use chei on its own)
a-ves outside
beister (f) window (SWFM fenester) (preSWF besider)
gurnal (m) buzz
lappa (m) flap
metêrnes (f) queen (softer than SWFM myghternes)
qwilkiores (f) wasp (you can also use gohien)
war jei inside, indoors (war always causes soft mutation)
whirneres (f) hornet


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