2019 Day 301

Dedh Trei Hans hag Onan

De Lün, ethves warn ügens mis Hedra
Monday, 28th October

Nag o egor hedhyw scol dew aga flehes wydn. Thera dedh traynyans dhe'n descadoryon - bes res veu mabm ha tas mos dh'aga whel. Tas ew descader y honan ha ma mabm o traynya dhe vos descadores! Traynyades ew hei. Treylys veu aga chei dhe scol rag nebes ourys. Thera gweythres scol dhe'n flehes. Bettegens, whel gorfednys (po nebes) po forsakys, gwel veu gans an flehes gwary pel droos gen tas wydn! Aga mergh a dheuth ewedh dhe scrifa nebes geryow ow tòchya kellow (killigow).

The school of two of our grandchildren was not open today. The teachers had a training day – but mum and dad had to go to their work. Dad is a teacher himself and mum is training to be a teacher! She is a trainee. Our house was turned into (became) a school for several hours. The children had school homework. However, work finished (almost) or abandoned, the children preferred to play football with granddad! Our daughter came as well to write a few words about cells.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

descadores (f) teacher, professor, etc. > plural descadoresow
descadoryon teachers, professors, etc. < singular descader (m)
egor open
gorfednys finished
gweythres scol school homework
ourys hours (periods of 60 minutes)
po nebes almost (literally or a bit)
traynyades(f) a trainee loan word (you can also use trênesiges)
traynyans training < verb traynya to train
treylya dhe to become, to turn into


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