2019 Day 327

Dedh Trei Hans Seyth warn Ügens

De Sadorn, tryja warn ügens mis Dû
Saturday, 23rd November

Glaw a wra en Kernow. Ma re a dhowr en pub le. Ma gwarnyansow dhe worwer kerry. Kemerowgh with an livyow. Scantlowr na ell an kerry movya en nebes vorrow. Res ew dhebm degy botas dowr rag kerdhes et agan bownder. Pur vrâs ew grelyn e'n pras agan kentrevogyon – brâssa ages ûsyes. Provies ew gen gover bian ow resek môy üskis ages ûsyes. Ma'n dowr ow tremena an vownder ewedh. Da ew gen fongow kerdhyn gleb: mowns ow tevy brâssa ha brâssa. Ma caletter a-jei, sowedh. Ma'n hager awel ow cül drog dhe scüdel tele – nag eus sin.

It rains in Cornwall. There is too much water everywhere. There are warnings to motorists. Beware of the floods. The traffic can hardly move on some roads. I have to wear wellingtons to walk in our lane. A horse-pond in our neighbours' field is very big – bigger than usual. It is supplied by a little stream which is running faster than usual.The water is crossing the lane as well. Fungi like a damp environment; they are growing bigger and bigger. There's a problem indoors, sadly. The bad weather is affecting the TV dish – there's no signal.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

botas dowr wellingtons, rubber boots > singular botasen (f)
degy to wear
fongow fungi
gorwer kerry plural motorists < singular gorrour carr
grelyn (f) horse-pond
gwarnyansow warnings < verb gwarnya
kerthyn environment, environs
provies verbal adjective supplied
scantlowr hardly
tremena to cross
üskis fast, quick(ly)


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