2019 Day 328

Dedh Trei Hans Eth warn Ügens

De Sül, pajwora warn ügens mis Dû
Sunday, 24th November

Nag eus glaw oll an termyn hedhyw bes thew an gwels pur leb. Ma othom dhe'n maw bian a gôta stanch, ha lavrek stanch ewedh. Re hir ew y lavrek nowydh ha ma caletter dhodho kerdhes ettans. Bettegens, gweres ew dhe dhorn. Ma y dhama ow ton bombadys ha kerdhes ganjo. Kebmer with chil vian. Ma pilyow godhor ha tell brohes. Nag ew an gewer yeyn. Ma whath flourys war dhreys ha delkyow yonk war idhyow. Mowns ow tivera gen dowr.

There isn't rain all the time today but the grass is very wet.The little boy needs a waterproof coat, and waterproof trousers as well. His new trousers are too long and he has difficulty walking in them. However, help is at hand. His mother wears wellies and walks with him. Take care little one. There are mole hills and badger holes. The weather is not cold. There are still flowers on brambles and young leaves ivy. They are dripping with water.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

bombadys wellies
caletter difficulty
côta stanch raincoat, mac, anorak, waterproof coat
dhe dhorn at hand
don to wear (alternative to degy)
ettans in them < en becomes et and anjei is shortened
ganjo with him (for emphasis you can say gans ev)
gweres help, assistance
lavrek stanch waterproof trousers
stanch waterproof, watertight, impermeable


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