2019 Day 329

Dedh Trei Hans Naw warn Ügens

De Lün, pempes warn ügens mis Dû
Monday, 25th November

Nag eus scol hedhyw rag ow flehes wydn. Ma dedh traynyans rag aga descadoryon. An flehes a venja gwil art. Da ew ganjans liwya. Bes ma whans dhe'n gath goth aga jùnya. Da ew genjy bos ogas dhe'n flehes ma ha gorwedha war aga paper. An baby a dednas hy lost degensete, rag hedna nag ew ev da genjy. Nag ew da gen cathes aga losyow dhe vos gwrydnyes. Na wrewgh nevra senjy cath er an lost. “A Gath Goth,” a vednas an flehes, “pandr'ew dha liw an moyha kerys?” “Purr-purr!” ew an gorryp (gorthyp). Òja liwya termyn ew dhe fittya ha debry boos. Da ew gans an vos gwil cowl gen caretys, scavellow cronek saw (dhort shoppa) ha losow erel. Ha nena thera nei ow còrtos aga dama – gen gwary niverow.

There is no school today for my grandchildren. There is a training day for their teachers.The children would like to do art. They like painting. But the old cat wants to join them. She likes to be near to these children and lies down on their paper. The baby pulled her tail the day before yesterday, so she does not like him. Cats don't like having their tails seized. Don't ever hold a cat by the tail. “Old Cat,” asked the children, “what is your favourite colour?” “Purr-ple!” is the answer. After painting it's time to prepare and eat food. The girl likes to make soup with carrots, safe mushrooms (from a shop) and other vegetables. And then we wait for their mother - with a numbers game.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

degensete the day before yesterday
er an lost by the tail
gorryp (gorthyp) (m) answer < verb gorryby (SWFM gorthyby)
gorwedha to lie down
gwrydnya to seize > verbal adjective gwrydnyes
lost (m) tail > plural losyow (loss of t)
losow plural vegetables > singular losowen (f)
senjy to hold
tedna to pull
vednas preterite asked < verb gofen/goven to ask


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