2019 Day 333

Dedh Trei Hans Terdhek warn Ügens

De Gwener, nawhes warn ügens mis Dû
Friday, 29th November

Thera edhyn en pub le e'n seythen ma. Terweythyow my a's gwelas ow neyja e'n ayr ha terweythyow thera anjei war an dor po e'n mor. De Meurth thera moy gullys dre es a düs war an treth. My a bernas has môy de Meurth rag edhyn bian – heckamolas ha bonegow erel. Da ew ganjans has. Ottòbma pednpaly – ma môy anodhans e'n ke. Hedhyw nei a gerras (gerdhas) en Melinjy – nei a welas lies bran dre hag anjei a viras orta nei. Leun a cûryosita o an briny dre na. Thera edhyn erel war do – rag fra? Pandra wra anjei gwil gen gwel cala? Nag ew an termyn ewn rag gwil neythow. Martesen anjei thera o whilas prevyon.

There were birds everywhere this week. Sometimes I saw them flying in the air and sometimes they were on the ground or in the sea. On Tuesday there were more gulls than people on the beach. I bought more seed on Tuesday for little birds – dicky birds and other little birds. They like seeds. Here's a bluetit – there are more of them in the hedge. Today we walked in Bolingey – we saw lots of rooks and they watched us. Those rooks were full of curiosity. There are other birds on a roof – why? What will they do with straws? It's not the right time for making nests. Perhaps they were looking for insects.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
Observe a number of different ways of forming plurals:

bodnek (m) any little brown bird > plural bonegow
bran dre (f) rook > plural briny dre
edhen (f) bird > plural edhyn
golan (f) gull > plural golanes
gulla (m) gull > plural gullys
gwel cala straws > singular gwelen gala (f)
hasen (f) seed > collective plural has > plural hasednow
heckamola (f) dicky bird
pednpaly (m) bluetit pednow palyon
prevyon or preves plural insects < singular prev or preven


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