2019 Day 358

Dedh Trei Hans Etek ha Dogens

De Meurth, pajwora warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Tuesday, 24th December

Lôwen o vy hedhyw! Na veu othom dhebm a fittya boos veth. Ow gour a wras cofednow heb kig rag li hag o godhydh dhort Poloyn a fittyas kidnyow. Gool Nadelik ew dedh specyal en Poloyn ha ma meur a voos specyal. Ma mesk-radnow pecar en hogednow ha “pierogi” - ma toos ha tettys – saw pebys ew an eyl en forn pecar'a tesen ha bryjys ew y gila en padel pecar'a pasta. Shap kehaval ens, saw mens deffrans. “Uszkami” ew bryjys ewedh, bes ma scavellow cronek gwils ettans en le tettys, ha debrys o anjei gen cowl bettys (“barszcz”). En gordhûher nei a gerras (gerdhas) dhe Melinjy dhe weles an golowow Nadelik ha cana curlys Nadelik. Nadelik lôwen dhe bub onan.

I am happy today! I didn't have to prepare any food. My husband made vegetarian pasties for lunch and my Polish daughter-in-law cooked dinner. Christmas Eve is a special day in Poland and there is lots of special food. There are similar ingredients in pasties and “pierogi” - there is dough and potatoes - but one is baked in an oven like a cake and the other is boiled in a saucepan like pasta. They are the same shape, but a different size. ”Uszkami” are boiled as well, but there is wild mushroom in them instead of potato, and they are eaten with beetroot soup (“barszcz”). In the evening we walked to Bolingey to see the Christmas lights and sing Christmas carols. Happy Christmas to everyone.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

cofen kig (f) meat pasty
en le instead (of)
heb kig vegetarian
hogen (f) pastry, pasty
forn (f) oven (may be permanently lenited vorn)
gohydh (f) daughter-in-law
mesk-radnow ingredients (of recipe)
pecar similar (you can also use haval or kehaval)
pecar'a (pecar ha) like, similar to (SWFM kepar ha)
Poloyn Poland


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