2019 Day 365

Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Pemp

De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Tuesday, 31st December

Thew an jedh ma an diwettha dedh a vis Kevardhû, an diwettha dedh a'n vledhen ma. Diwedh ew ewedh a'n second degvledhen e'n cansvledhen ma. Avorow wra gweles dallath a vis nowydh, bledhen nowydh ha degvledhen nowydh. Martesen nei a dal gwil resolûcyons specyal rag an pres brâs. Ma dewdhek dedh a Nadelik bes nag ew an nos ma an dewdegves nos po Degol Stoul. Hedhyw ew an seythves dedh a Nadelik. En curl “ow amôr a ros dhebm seyth elergh en üdn neyja”. Nag eus gweles genam elerhy veth hedhyw, bes my wrüg gweles rüdhek. Thera va orth agan mires termyn nei a drohas an ke. Re ûhel ew an ke, ma othom dhe nei y drehy, gen skeyl ha gweljow brâs. Dadn an ke my a welas flowr purpur bian - melyonen a-bres. Whath ew cres an gwav bes my a welas flowr gwenton. En kettermyn my a welas mor dû diwedhes. Ke kemyskys ew!

This day is the last day of December, the last day of this year. It's the end, too, of the second decade of this century. Tomorrow will see a start of a new month, a new year and a new decade. Perhaps we should make special resolutions for the big occasion. There are twelve days of Christmas but this night is not the twelfth night or Twelfth Night. Today is the seventh day of Christmas. In a carol “my true love gave to me seven swans a swimming”. I have not seen any swans today, but I did see a robin. It was watching us while we cut the hedge. The hedge is too high, we need to cut it, with a ladder and big shears. Under the hedge I saw a little purple flower – an early violet. It is still the middle of winter but I saw a spring flower. At the same time I saw late blackberries. It's a confused hedge!

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

amôr (m) lover, true love, etc.
bledhen (f) year
cansvlehen (f) century
degvledhen (f) decade
drohas cut (preterite of trehy)
elergh (m) swan > plural elerhy
gweljow plural shears
kemyskys confused (you can also use meskegys)
pres (m) occasion, time (clock)
skeyl (m) ladder


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