2020 Day 27

2020 Dedh Seyth warn Ügens

De Lün, seythves warn ügens mis Genver
Monday, 27th January

Flehes ell bos tabm denty! Terweythyow anjei a vedn debry neppeth ha terweythyow anjei a vedn y sconya. Üdn jedh na wra üdn flogh debry bes üdn dra. An nessa dedh e vedh neb tra deffrans. Na whath, thew scobmow pub pres meurgerys – scobmow ha cresigow! Da ew genam gwil scobmow e'n vorn (forn) gen badna oyl losow ha püber dû. Tettys rostys ew meurgerys ewedh.  Nag eus esow a tettys en Kernow. Ma dhe'n diogow lies gwel anodhans (henn ew an diogow heb cawlegow) .

Children can be a bit fussy! Sometimes they will eat some thing and sometimes they will refuse it. On one day one child will only eat one thing. The next day it will be something different. However, chips are always popular – chips and crisps! I like making chips in the oven with a drop of vegetable oil and black pepper. Roast potatoes are popular as well. There's no shortage of potatoes in Cornwall. The farmers have lots of fields of them (I.e. the farmers without cabbage fields).

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

badna drop
cawlegow cabbage fields, cabbage patches < singular cawlek (m)
cresigow crisps < singular cresik (m)
denty fussy
esow (m) shortage (you can also use fowt lack)
meurgerys popular, much loved
püber (m) pepper
scobmow chips < singular scobmen (m)
sconya to refuse
tra (f) thing


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