2020 Day 29

2020 Dedh Naw warn Ügens

De Merher, nawves warn ügens mis Genver
Wednesday, 29th January

E'n vledhen mil naw cans trei ügens ha trei dyllys veu derivas Dr. Beeching. Òja hedna pemp mil mildir a hens horn a'n costys a veu esgerys ha môy es diw vil savla tren bian a veu degëys. Nag ens ûsyes lowr, car dre hevel. Thera vorr (fordh) gleder tredh Truru ha Tewyn Plustry, der Breanek ha Tiwar'n heyl. Whei ell gweles whath remenadow anodho – gladnow ha ponsvorrow (ponsvordhow), keth (kynth) ew gellys an cleder horn (ûsyes rag lies post ke). Lebmyn ma dhe savleow pastellow whel bian ha shoppas creft. Lebmyn Party an Mentenours a venja egery emann radn an linednow arta, bes a via pemp cans milvil (milyon) pens mona lowr? Ha wra anjei trouvya an linednow?

In the year 1963 Dr. Beeching's report was published. After that 5000 miles of local railway were abandoned and more than 2000 small stations were closed. It seems they were not used enough. There was a railway between Truro and Newquay, through St Agnes and Perranporth. You can still see remnants of it – banks and viaducts, though the iron rails have gone (used for many fence posts). The stations now have small industrial units and craft workshops. Now the Conservative Party would like to open up some of the lines again, but would £500 million be enough money? And will they find the lines?

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

cleder collective plural rails > singular cledren (f)
degea to close, shut (you can also use kea) > verbal adjective degëys
der through (you can also use dre or dredh)
derivas (m) report
dyllys published, issued
esgerys abandoned
Party an Mentenours the Conservative Party
remenadow remnants < singular remenat (notice softening t>d in plural)
savla tren (m) railway (train)station > plural savleow tren
tredh between (preSWF RLC treeth)


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