2020 Day 51
2020 Dedh Dogens hag Üdnek
De Yow, ügensves mis Whevrel
Thursday, 20th February
I like drawing Zodiac signs in a Celtic style. Unfortunately the orthography has changed. There was a change in the signs of the Zodiac sign yesterday. "Aquarius" the water carrier gave way to "Pisces" the fish.We have a lot of water in nature at the present time but Aquarius is an air sign. Pisces is a water sign - and we can foresee plenty more water in this month and the next - followed by April showers. When will the spring in the road dry up? White and black - white paper and black ink in my drawing. White and black - this is the Cornish flag. Some road signs are white and black - they can be seen without difficulty. There are small glass beads (ballotini) in the white. They reflect light. The chough and the gull are black and white as well.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
arwòdh (m) sign
cowasow showers
desonôwy to foresee
gis (m) style (you can also use maner)
glenyow beads < singular glen
plegya to give way
scrifa-composter (m) orthography, spelling
sewya to follow, ensue
tedna to draw
treylyans (m) change, turning
De Yow, ügensves mis Whevrel
Thursday, 20th February
Da ew genam tedna arwòdhow Zodiak en gis Keltek. E'n gwettha pres treylys ew an scrifa-compòster. E veu treylyans de e'n arwòdh an Zodiak. "An Deger Dowr" a wrüg plegya dh' "An Pesk". Ma dhe nei meur a dhowr en natûr e'n jedh hedhyw bes thew An Deger Dowr arwòdh ayr. An Pesk ew arwòdh dowr - ha nei a ell desonôwy môy lowr a dhowr e'n mis ma ha'n nessa - sewyes gen cowasow mis Ebrel. Pana dermyn a wra an venten e'n vorr deseha? Gwydn ha dû - paper gwydn hag enk dû et ow thednans. Gwydn ha dû - hemm ew baner a Gernow. Nebes arwòdhow vorr ew gwydn ha dû - anjei ell bos gwelys heb caletter. Ma glenyow gweder bian (ballotini) e'n gwydn. Mowns ow tastewydnya golow. Dû ha gwydn ew palores ha golan ewedh.
I like drawing Zodiac signs in a Celtic style. Unfortunately the orthography has changed. There was a change in the signs of the Zodiac sign yesterday. "Aquarius" the water carrier gave way to "Pisces" the fish.We have a lot of water in nature at the present time but Aquarius is an air sign. Pisces is a water sign - and we can foresee plenty more water in this month and the next - followed by April showers. When will the spring in the road dry up? White and black - white paper and black ink in my drawing. White and black - this is the Cornish flag. Some road signs are white and black - they can be seen without difficulty. There are small glass beads (ballotini) in the white. They reflect light. The chough and the gull are black and white as well.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
arwòdh (m) sign
cowasow showers
desonôwy to foresee
gis (m) style (you can also use maner)
glenyow beads < singular glen
plegya to give way
scrifa-composter (m) orthography, spelling
sewya to follow, ensue
tedna to draw
treylyans (m) change, turning
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