2020 Day 56
Dedh Dogens ha Whetek
Ma cleves e'n norves. Ev a dhallathas en China ha nena ystyn dhe powyow erel. Lebmyn ma va en Italy. Ma own dhe düs. Ma res dhe lies person dhe vos en diberthva dres peswardhek dedh a "quarantine". Bes pandr'ew an ger ma? Ev a dhallathas e'n Òjow Cres, e'n pajerdegves cansbledhen. Citys a'n als a venja bos gwithys rag epidemogow ball. E veu res dhe gorholyon dhort porhow plagys devedhys dhe Venice loja dogens dedh "quaranta giorni" ken tira. E'n men termyn ydnyal ew an treth. Ma ster gwenton reb an vorr bes degëys ew aga flourys, drefen nag eus howl. Ha hager galsh keser a wras an dor gwydn.
There is sickness in the world. It started in China and then spread to other countries. Now it's in Italy. People are afraid. Many people have to be in isolation for fourteen days of "quarantine". But what is this word? It originated in the Middle Ages, in the 14th century. Coastal cities wanted to be protected from plague epidemics. Ships from infected ports arriving in Venice had to sit at anchor for 40 days "quaranta giorni" before landing. Meanwhile the beach is deserted. There are celandines by the road but their flowers are closed, because there is no sun. And a heavy hail shower made the ground white.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
a'n als coastal
ball (f) plague
diberthva (f) isolation
gorholyon ships < singular gorhel (m)
loja to sit at anchor, rest at anchor
ojow/osow ages < singular oos (m)
plagys afflicted
porhow ports < singular porth (m)
tira to land, come ashore
ystyn to spread, extend
De Meurth, pempes warn ügens mis Whevrel
Tuesday, 25th FebruaryMa cleves e'n norves. Ev a dhallathas en China ha nena ystyn dhe powyow erel. Lebmyn ma va en Italy. Ma own dhe düs. Ma res dhe lies person dhe vos en diberthva dres peswardhek dedh a "quarantine". Bes pandr'ew an ger ma? Ev a dhallathas e'n Òjow Cres, e'n pajerdegves cansbledhen. Citys a'n als a venja bos gwithys rag epidemogow ball. E veu res dhe gorholyon dhort porhow plagys devedhys dhe Venice loja dogens dedh "quaranta giorni" ken tira. E'n men termyn ydnyal ew an treth. Ma ster gwenton reb an vorr bes degëys ew aga flourys, drefen nag eus howl. Ha hager galsh keser a wras an dor gwydn.
There is sickness in the world. It started in China and then spread to other countries. Now it's in Italy. People are afraid. Many people have to be in isolation for fourteen days of "quarantine". But what is this word? It originated in the Middle Ages, in the 14th century. Coastal cities wanted to be protected from plague epidemics. Ships from infected ports arriving in Venice had to sit at anchor for 40 days "quaranta giorni" before landing. Meanwhile the beach is deserted. There are celandines by the road but their flowers are closed, because there is no sun. And a heavy hail shower made the ground white.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
a'n als coastal
ball (f) plague
diberthva (f) isolation
gorholyon ships < singular gorhel (m)
loja to sit at anchor, rest at anchor
ojow/osow ages < singular oos (m)
plagys afflicted
porhow ports < singular porth (m)
tira to land, come ashore
ystyn to spread, extend
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