2020 Day 57

2020 Dedh Dogens ha Seytek

De Merher, wheffes warn ügens mis Whevrel
Wednesday, 26th February

De a veu De Meurh Enes, po Mardi Gras en Frenkek. Henwys ewa ewedh Dedh Crampeth. An diwettha dedh ew kens Corawys. Termyn ew dhe dhebry emann oll agas oyow, bleus, shòger ha sô ken sevel orth boos rych. Na wrewgh debry oyow lebmyn terebo Pask. Ew da gena whei crampeth? Crêpes Suzette ew pur fin - sawrys gen owraval , leun a wires ha leskys reb an bord. Nag ens a Gernow! Ma Resegow Crampeth en nebes treow ha terweythyow ma carnivals gen kerdhvaow. Ha hedhyw thew De Merher Lüjiw. Ma tüs ow mos dhe'n eglos. 

Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday, or Mardi Gras in French. It's also called Pancake Day. It's the last day before Lent. It's time to eat up all your eggs, flour, sugar and fat before abstaining from rich food. Don't eat eggs now till Easter. Do you like pancakes? Crêpes Suzette are very posh - flavoured with orange, full of alcohol and flamed at the table. They are not Cornish! There are pancake races in some towns and sometimes there are carnivals with parades. And today it's Ash Wednesday. People go to church.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

Corawys Lent
crampeth pancakes > singular crampethen (f)
Enes Shrovetide
gwires spirits (you can also use alcohol)
owraval (m) orange (you can also use oranj)
Pask Easter
sawrys flavoured
sevel orth to abstain from, give up
shòger (m) sugar (you can also use con)
(m) fat, grease (also söath or blonek)


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