2020 Day 82
2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Dew
De Sül, nessa warn ügens mis Meurh
Sunday, 22nd March
I am separated from other people. I am keeping my distance. Are other people doing the same thing? Can you see something small and red beyond the trees, in the sky? It's one wing with a person underneath, flying with a little engine. He's very separated from other people! That's the height of isolation. There's nobody up there with him. With social distancing we must entertain ourselves, be creative. Here's a book and a magazine with lots of ideas. Would you like to speak with someone? There's the Internet and phone networks. I have companionship - my husband, two cats and two rats. The rats can't speak any English, so I can talk to them in Cornish. Do I sound mad? I'll be worse before the end of twelve weeks. I'm growing new plants. Before long I'll be talking with them. How marvellous plants are. Here's a Mexican hat plant. There are babies on the edges of the leaves.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
askell (f) wing
diberthva (f) isolation
diberthys separated, isolated
didhana to entertain, divert
dres beyond
gwias (m) internet
müscok mad, crazy
neyja to fly
ombellheans sôcyal social distancing
pelder (m) distance
De Sül, nessa warn ügens mis Meurh
Sunday, 22nd March
Diberthys o vy dhort tüs erel. Therama o qwitha ow felder. Üjy tüs erel ow cül an keth tra? Ellowgh whei gweles neb tra vian ha rüdh dres an gwedh, en ebòrn? Üdn askell ew gen person en dadn, ow neyja gen jynn bian. Pur dhiberthys ew ev dhort tüs erel! Hedna ew an ûhelder a dhiberthva! Nag eus nagonan ena a-ûgh ganjo. Gen ombellheans sôcyal res ew dhen didhana agan honan, bos awenüs. Ottòbma lever ha lever termyn fitty gen lies tybyans. Venja whei cows gen nebonan? Ma'n Gwias ha kesrosweyth fôn. Ma kescowethyans dhebm - ow gour, diw gath ha diw logojen vrâs. Na wor an logas clappya Sowsnek veth, etho my a ell clappya ganjans en Kernôwek. Era vy ow sowndya müscok? My a vedh lacka ken diwedh dewdhek seythen. Thera vy ow tevy plansow nowydh. Ken pell my a wra cows ganjans. Ass ew marthys an plansow. Otta plans hatt Mexican. Ma babiow war vinyow an del.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
askell (f) wing
diberthva (f) isolation
diberthys separated, isolated
didhana to entertain, divert
dres beyond
gwias (m) internet
müscok mad, crazy
neyja to fly
ombellheans sôcyal social distancing
pelder (m) distance
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