2020 Day 84

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Pajar

De Meurh, pajwora warn ügens mis Meurh
Tuesday, 24th March

De tho an gewer teg ha my alja gweles an mor en pelder bes hedhyw na vedn an howl spladna ha na ellama gweles an mor. Pur niwlek ew hei a-ûgh an mor ha'n treth. Ew hedna niwl emesk an gwedh ewedh? Nag ew. Ma moges ow tos dhort chei. My ell gweles an môg saw na ellama gweles an chei. Ma sawar a vôg e'n ayr. Ma flourys e'n lowarth bes nag eus flourys wheg aga sawar. Saw martesen gwenenen vlewek alja clowes neb tra. "Pandr'esta ow cül?" emedh ow gour. "Therama saya kemeres foto a wenenen," emedham. "Re üskis ew hei." Ma dew diek en ogas. An eyl ew mager ha y gila ew tiek aradow. Thera son a dew jynn-tedna. Thera an mager ow spredya mon en gwel a-dâl. Nag o wheg y sawar. An tiek aral a wrüg aras y wel cawlvleujyow. Nag o pur wheg y sawar naneyl.

Yesterday the weather was lovely and I could see the sea in the distance but today the sun doesn't want to shine and I can't see the sea. It's very foggy above the sea and the beach. Is that fog among the trees as well? It's not. There's a smoke cloud coming from a house. I can see the smoke but I can't see the house. There's a smell of smoke in the air. There are flowers in the garden but there aren't any aromatic flowers. But perhaps a bumblebee can smell something. "What are you doing?" said my husband. "I'm trying to take a photo of a bee," I said. "It's too fast." There are two farmers nearby. One is a livestock breeder and the other is an arable farmer. There was a sound of two tractors. The livestock breeder was muck-spreading in a field opposite. He was not aromatic. The other farmer ploughed his cauliflower field. He wasn't very aromatic either.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

aradow arable
aras to plough
gwenenen vlewek (f) bumblebee (literally hairy bee)
jynn-tedna (m) tractor
mager (m) livestock breeder
moges (m) smoke cloud
niwlek foggy
spredya mon to spread muck, manure
tiek (m) farmer
wheg aga sawar aromatic (match possessive to subject)


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