2020 Day 86

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Whegh

 De Yow, wheffes warn ügens mis Meurh
Thursday, 26th March

Pandr'ew an liwyow gwenton? Hedhyw melyn ew. Dhort ow lowarth my ell gweles gwel melyn e'n pelder. Pandr'eus ow tevy etto? An keth liw ew avel an lily Corawes reb an eglos.  (Ma dens lew ha ster gwenton ewedh.) Martesen thew gwel leun a lily Corawes. Soweth! Trûedh tra ew rag an tiek. Piw a alja aga huntel rag an shoppys e'n gorothom ma? Piw a wra perna flourys lebmyn? An flourys na alja bos marow ken Pask - spladn ew an gewer etho thew an flourys re a-varr. Nei a gerras (gerdhas) en vorr wag ahes. An keth gwel ew dhe vos gwelys. Ma gòlow howl en keow - ma lies bagas eythin, owriek aga bleujyow, ow spladna lôwenek. Ma'n drânow ow whirny oll adro - ma dhodhans lystednow melyn.    

What are the colours of spring? Today it's yellow. From my garden I can see a yellow field in the distance. What is there growing in it? It's the same colour as the daffodils by the church. (There are dandelions and celandines as well.) Perhaps it a field full of daffodils. Alas! It's a tragedy for the farmer. Who could pick them for the shops in this emergency? Who will buy flowers now? The flowers could be dead before Easter - the weather is splendid so the flowers are too early. We walked along an empty road. The same field is visible. There is sunshine in hedges - many gorse bushes with golden blossom are shining cheerfully. The bumblebees are buzzing all around - they have yellow stripes. 

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

bagas eythin (m) gorse bush
bleujyow (plural) blossom
cuntel to pick, gather, collect
dens lew (plural) dandelion < (singular) dans lew
gorothom (m) emergency (gor super + othom need
gwag empty
lôwenek cheerful, cheerfully
lysten (f) stripe
owriek golden
trûedh tra (m) tragedy, sad thing


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