2020 Day 144
2020 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Pajar
De Sadorn, tryja warn ügens mis Me
Saturday, 23rd May
De Sadorn, tryja warn ügens mis Me
Saturday, 23rd May
Ma whans dhebm a scrifa nebes geryow deffrans. Ma othom dhebm a scrifa ow tòchya mater deffrans. Bes, soweth, nag eus gwres genam traveth deffrans hedhyw - na termyn hir. Nag eus camera genam òbma whath, etho res vedh genam whilas fotos coth et ow "hovscrif". Ma nebes taclow ow trei plesour. Môns ow senjy covyon da a düs wheg po wharvosow lôwen. Da ew genam taclow gwres a bredn, henwys "treen" en Sowsnek. Ma gwywer rüdh pur vian pernys rag ow dama termyn my a veu môs. My a veu dhebm degol campya gen cowethesow. Ma diw dra - edhen gantolbren ha trig pyncels - dhort Zelond Nowydh. Tho anjei royow dhort cowetha erel. An olifanjes African a dheuth dhort moderep hag ownter ow gour. Anjei a wrüg lavürya ena nanj ew lies bledhen. Mar lies person wheg dhe vos remembrys. Bestes erel gwres a brei - covyon a dhama, wheger ha whor, kenth ew an gath ow seny piano peth vy. Ma kellys genjy hy gwedren a gor (gorev).
I want to write some different words. I need to write about a different topic. But, sadly, I haven't done anything different today - nor for a long time. I still haven't got a camera here, so I shall have to look for old photos in my "archive". Some things bring pleasure. They hold good memories of lovely people or happy events. I like things made of wood, called "treen" in English. There's a very small red squirrel bought for my mother when I was a child. I was on a camping holiday with friends. There are two items - a candlestick bird and a pencil holder - from New Zealand. They were presents from other friends. The African elephants came from my husband's aunt and uncle. They worked there many years ago. So many lovely people to be remembered. Other animals made of clay - memories of mother, mother-in-law and sister, though the cat playing the piano is mine. It has lost its glass of beer.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
campya camping
cantolbren (m) candlestick
cor (corev) (m) beer
covscrif (m) archive
gwedren (f) glass (drinking variety)
moderep (f) aunt
olifans (m) elephant
ownter (m) uncle
seny to play (an instrument)
wharvos (m) event
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