2020 Day 178
2020 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens hag Etek
De Gwener, wheffes warn ügens mis Efen
Friday, 26th June
Pub dedh thera vy ow kerdhes e'n pow adro, ha pub dedh theram ow qweles neppeth nowydh. Ma vos nowydh dhe nebonan, gen afinans brâs. Pandr'ew hebma? Ew ev spyrys a Gernow po bòcka gwydn po bòcka dû? Ew ev onan a'n Bobel Vian? Ew ev grassyes? Ew ev scruthus? Ero whei kemeres own? Nag eus mir engres dhodho. Ma mir nebes còscüs dhodho. Martesen ma va ow pedery. Ma delow "An Prederor" gen Rodin ow trobla môy. Ew da geno whei whedhlow a greaturs annorel ha campyers? Whei alja redya an whedhel bian ma ha gwary gam jynn-amontya e'n kettermyn. http://moderncornish.net/game/
Shakespeare a scrifas gwary henwys "Hünros Nos Golôwan". Ma va ow compla gwedhros ha grows - pecar'an plansow ma.
Every day I walk in the countryside, and every day I see something new. Someone has a new wall, with a large adornment. What is this? Is it a Cornish pixie or good spirit or a hobgoblin? Is he one of the Little People? Is he benign? Is he scary? Are you frightened? He doesn't look angry. He looks rather sleepy. Perhaps he is thinking. A statue "The Thinker" by Rodin is more troubling. Do you like tales of supernatural beings and heros? You could read this little story and play a computer game at the same time. Shakespeare wrote a play called "A Midsummer Night's Dream". He mentions woodbine (honeysuckle) and eglantine (dog rose) - like these plants.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
afinans (m) adornment
annorel ~ annorek supernatural, weird
bòcka (m) goblin, imp, spook
bòcka dû (m) bogeyman, bugbear, hobgoblin
campyer (m) hero, champion
còscüs sleepy, dozy, drowsy
delow (m) statue
prederor (m) thinker
scrüthüs scary, frightening
spyrys ~sperys (m) spirit
whedhel (m) story, yarn, tale
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