2020 Day 207

2020 Dedh Dew Cans ha Seyth 

De Sadornpempes warn ügens mis Gorefen 

Saturday, 25th July 


Pandr’ew a-droos e’n eborn? Ma re a gloudys! Hav ew – ha’n gewer a dal bos tòbm. E’n vledhen eus tremenys thera todn wres en mis Gorefen. Pur ûhel o an wres. E veu strokes gwres dhe radn an bobel. Saw nag ew hedhyw tòbm. Fowt gwres ew moy lyckly! Martesen avorow a vedh gwell. Na ellama gweles na ster na loor haneth en nos. E veu loor leun an pempes Gorefen, bes na wrüga vy hy gweles naneyl. Comolek o nena magata. An nessa loor leun a vedh de Lün. Ma steronydhyon ow leverel dhen thew sîn an lion lebmyn. An Lew a dhallathas nanj ew dew dhedh. Ma henwyn coynt dhe lòryow leun e’n Almanac Tiek Coth (fondys mil seyth cans pajar ügens ha dewdhek).  Loor Yorgh po Loor Daran ew rag mis Gorefen (mesk henwyn erel). Ma kern dhe’n kyrwas ha ma taran e’n mis ma.


What is happening in the sky? There are too many clouds! It’s summer – and the weather should be hot. Last year there was a heat wave in July. Some people had heat stroke. But today is not hot. Hypothermia is more likely! Perhaps tomorrow will be better. I can see neither stars nor moon tonight. There was a full moon on 5th July, but I didn’t see it either. It was cloudy then as well. The next full moon will be on Monday. Astrologers tell is it is the sign of the lion now. Leo began two days ago. Full moons have strange names in the Old Farmer's Almanac (founded 1792). It’s Buck Moon or Thunder Moon for July (amongst other names). Stags have antlers and there’s thunder in this month. 


Deg ger rag hedhywTen words for today 

fowt gwres (m) hypothermia 

gwres (f) heat, warmth, temperature, etc. (alternative to tòbmder(m)) 

loor leun (f) full moon 

mesk ~ emesk among 

Pandr’ew a-droosWhat’s up? What’s happening?  

steronydhyon (plural) astrologers 

strokes gwres (m) heat stroke 

taran (f) thunder 

todn wres (f) heat wave 

yorgh ~ yorth (m) roebuck 



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