2020 Day 271
2020 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens hag Üdnek
De Sül, seythves warn ügens mis Gwedngala
Sunday, 27th September
Rag fra ma pictour a desen? Mille-feuille ew hei. (Thew hedna Frenkek rag mil delen po folen.) Tos delyek, “Mil” folen po delen a dos. Da via genam cawas tesen an par na dhe wolya! Mil! My a dhallathas scrifa ow blogg pub dedh nanj ew mil dedh. Thew hebma ow milves scrîf. Meur ew wharvedhys e’n mil dedh na. Rag fra wrüga vy dallath? Determyans o va rag an Vledhen Nowydh. My a dhetermyans dhe scrifa nebes geryow Kernôwek pub dedh. Lebmyn na ellama gwil diwedh – ma re a redyoryon lel dhebm. Deffrans ew an bôwnans e’n jedh hedhyw. Na ellama desky bejeth-dhe-vejeth, etho res ew dhebm gül devnydh a Zoom. Nanj ew mil dedh na veu besca clowys genam a Zoom. Hedhyw thera vy ow còrtos tre drefen bos plag bes-efan. En mis Genver diw mil hag etek my a wòrtas tre drefen bos hager awel. Enawel Eleanor a dhros terros dhe’n als. A ellowgh whei remembra an todnow? Nena thera ergh dhe nei en mis Meurth bes mis Gorefen o re dòbm ha meur a düs a veu herdhys warbarth war drethow. Ha terweythyow nag eus dowr lowr – ha terweythyow ma re a dhowr. Thew an awel a bris dhe’n economiedh Gernow. Ha nag ew da genam awel re yeyn po re dòbm – na re leb.
Why is there a picture of a cake? It’s a mille-feuille. (That’s French.) Flaky pastry, a “thousand” leaves or sheets of pastry. I’d like to have a cake like that to celebrate! A thousand! I started writing my daily blog a thousand days ago. This is my thousandth text. Much has happened in those thousand days. Why did I start? It was a Resolution for the New Year. I resolved to write some Cornish words every day. Now I can’t stop – I have too many faithful readers. Life is different nowadays. I cannot teach face-to-face, so I have to make use of Zoom. A thousand days ago I had never heard of Zoom. Today I am staying home because there is a pandemic. In January 2018 I stayed home because of terrible weather. Storm Eleanor brought havoc to the coast. Do you remember the waves? Then we had snow in March but July was too hot and many people were packed on beaches. And sometimes there was not enough water and sometimes there was too much water. Weather is important to Cornwall’s economy. And I don’t like too cold or too hot weather – nor too wet.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
economiedh (f) economy
Frenkek French (language)
golya to celebrate
gül ~ gwil devnydh a to make use of
gwil diwedh to finish, stop, make an end
herdhys warbarth pushed together, packed
lel faithful
plag bes-efan (m) pandemic, world-wide plague
terros (m) havoc, destruction
tos delyek (m) flaky pastry
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