2020 Day 332
2020 Dedh Trei Hans Dewdhek warn Ügens
De Gwener, seythves warn ügens mis Dû
Ma awel hedro en mis Dû. Terweythyow glaw a wra ha dhort termyn dhe dermyn ma howl. Thew an ebòrn chanjyanjek. En venowgh ma cloudys en radn an ebòrn hag en kettermyn radn aral ew cler. Otta an ebòrn de en androw. Thera front kewer ow tos, my a grej. Nag ew an cloudys mar deg hedhyw. Môy loos ens. An ebòrn ew comolek ettien, a-ûgh an Mor Brâs Atlantyk dres ehen. Gen camera nowydh nag üjy an mor ha'n tewednow mar bell! Bes pandr’ew hebma, pecar’a cloudys loos? Môg ew. Ogh trû! Ew hedna chei po crow gen tan? Po martesen thew tanjys pur blos – ow mostya an ayr. (Hedn' a veu de.)
There’s unsettled weather in November. Sometimes it
rains and from time to time there is sun. The sky is changeable. Often there
are clouds in part of the sky and at the same time another part is clear. Look
at the sky late yesterday afternoon. There was a weather front coming, I think.
The clouds aren’t so pretty today. They are greyer. The sky is completely
cloudy, especially over the Atlantic Ocean. With a new camera the sea and the dunes are not so
far! But what’s this, like grey clouds? It’s smoke. Is that a house or shed on fire? Or
perhaps it’s a very dirty bonfire – polluting the air. (That was yesterday.)
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words
for today
androw (m) late afternoon
an Mor Brâs Atlantyk the
Atlantic Ocean
awel hedro (f) unsettled weather
chanjyanjek changeable
en venowgh often, frequently
ettien ~ en tien completely
gen tan on fire, alight
mostya to pollute
Ogh trû! Alas! Oh dear!
plos ~ ploos dirty, filthy
tanjys (m) bonfire
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