2020 Day 330

2020 Dedh Trei Hans Deg warn Ügens

De Merher, pempes warn ügens mis Dû

Wednesday, 25th November

Da ew genam spladnder an howl en gwav. Gwell ew (w)òja dedh loos. Brâssa ew an plesour. My alja gweles lies tra e’n pelder – saw nag o vy sür pandra! Res ew dhebm whilas war vappa. Ma môy dhe vos gwelys en gwav – nag eus del war an gwedh. Ma taclow ow tos a wel en gwav üjy ow mos mes a wel en hav. Ma neyth e’n wedhen ma. Na wrüga vy merkya an chei gwydn ma kens lebmyn. Bes mirowgh! Gans ow hamera nowydh my ell gweles pub plüven lost an vran na e’n wedhen. Ma diw vran en gwedhen a-bell aral. Ma lies chei gwydn a wel en howl an gwav. En termyn eus passyes payntys gwydn ens gen lim rag glanythter. Lebmyn nag ens bes teg. Da ew genam mappys war an gwiasva. Otta telher pur wydn war an mappa ma. Ogas dhe Austol ma pollow prei – thew An Tiredh Prei – gen prei gwydn po calgh. Ellama y weles e’n pelder? Po üjy va moy adhelher dhe'n menedh pell?

I like sunshine in winter. It’s better after a grey day. The pleasure is greater. I could see many things in the distance – but I am not sure what! I must search on a map. There’s more to be seen in winter – there are no leaves on the trees. Things become visible in winter that go out of sight in summer. There’s a nest in this tree. I didn’t notice this white house before. But look! With my new camera I can see every tail feather of that crow in the tree. There are two crows in another distant tree. There are many white houses visible in the winter sun. In the past they were painted white with lime for hygiene. Now they are just pretty. I like maps on the internet. Here’s a very white place on this map. Near St Austell there are claypits – it’s The China Clay District – with China clay or kaolin. Can I see it in the distance? Or is it more behind the far hill?

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

a-bell ~ pell distant

An Tiredh Prei The China Clay District (“Clay Country”)

a wel in sight, in view, visible

bran (f) crow (or similar looking bird)

calgh (m) kaolin (also chalk)

glanythter (m) hygiene, cleanliness

lim (m) lime

mirowgh! (imperative) look! < (verb) mires

payntys painted

plüven lost (f) tail feather

spladnder an howl (m) sunshine


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