2020 Day 361

2020 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ugens hag Onan

De Sadorn, wheffes warn ügens mis Kevardhû

Saturday, 26th December

Na wrüga vy gweles An Geveren Veur. Re gomolek o an ebòrn pub dedh ha pub nos. Bes my a drouvyas nebes fotos gwiasva. Pandr'eus en keveren? Ma dew blanet - an eyl ew Sadorn hag y gila ew Jubiter (Yow). Nei a dalvia aga gweles en keth radn an ebòrn ogas dhe dermyn an howlsedhes. Nag üjy anjei pur nes en gwrionedh - ma yntredhans pelder moy es pajar cans milvil mildir. Perthynek ew Sadorn, drefen bos hedhyw Dedh Sadorn, ha ma "Saturnalia" e'n cres dedhyow an moyha tewal gwav. Ma constellacyon An Aver (mor-gaver whedhlek) e'n ebòrn nos. An arwòdh an Zodiak a dhallathas an nessa dedh warn ügens a vis Kevardhû. Y blanet rowlüs ew Sadorn. Bes Piw o Sadorn? Duw Roman o va - duw a liesder, gonisegeth, scòlva, livreson ha nowedhyans. Y dhegol e'n cres an gwav o termyn a dhebry, eva, rei royow hag havalder tredh mestryjy ha kethyon. Y rayn whedhlek o Oos Owriek a gres ha liesder.   

I did not see The Great Conjunction. The sky was too cloudy every day and every night. But I found several internet photos. What is there in a conjunction? There are two planets - one is Saturn and the other is Jupiter (Jove). We should have seen them in the same part of the sky close to the time of sunset. They are not really near - there is a distance between them of more than 400 million miles. Saturn is relevant, because today is Saturn's Day and Saturnalia is in the middle of the darkest winter days. The constellation Capricorn (a mythical sea-goat) is in the night sky. The Zodiac sign started on the twenty-second day of December. Its ruling planet is Saturn. But who was Saturn? He was the Roman god of plenty, agriculture, dissolution, liberation and renewal. His festival in mid-winter was a time for eating, drinking, giving presents and equality between masters and slaves. His mythical reign was a Golden Age of peace and plenty.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

an Aver (Gaver) Capricorn (The Goat)

an moyha tewal the darkest

constellacyon (m) constellation

liesder (m) plenty

livreson (m) liberation

nowedhyans (m) renewal

perthynek relevant

rowlüs ruling

scòlva (f) dissolution, dissipation

whedhlek mythical

yntredhans between them


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