2021 Day 55

 2021 Dedh Pemdhek ha Dewgens

De Merher, pajwora warn ügens mis Whevrel

Wednesday, 24th February

Na worama pandra dhe wil hedhyw! Nag ew an awel pur dhe les. My a wrüg golhy dew vasket a dhilhas saw na veu possybyl dh'aga seha et ow lowarth. Thera glaw arta e'n nos ha'n dor ew pur leb ha pur vedhal. Hûjes rosow a wras tollow brâs e'n ladn reb an vorr (fordh). Ma nebes flourys teg a-derdro, saw bohes skethednek ens. An mor ew garow ha'n mordarth ew strolüs ewedh. My a dhescas Kernôwek dhe nebes teylûyow e'n mettin - plegadow o hedna.  Nena my a scrifas nebes descansow moy. E veu whans dhebm a ûsya lymnansow gwres gans ow gohydh. Res veu dhebm godrehy, dasscrifa ha glüsa.   

I don't know what to do today! The weather is not very interesting. I washed two baskets of clothes but it wasn't possible to dry them in my garden. There was rain again in the night and the ground is very wet and very soft. Huge wheels made big holes in the verge by the road. There are a few pretty flowers around, but they are a bit tatty. The sea is rough and the surf is messy as well. I taught Cornish to several families in the morning - that was enjoyable. Then I wrote some more lessons. I wanted to use some illustrations done by my daughter-in-law. I had to trim, copy and paste.


Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

a-derdro all around

dasscrifa to copy

gladn (f) verge

glüsa to paste

godrehy to trim precisely

gohydh (f) daughter-in-law

plegadow enjoyable

skethednek tattered

strolüs messy

tollow holes




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