2021 Day 87
2021 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Seyth
De Sül, ethves warn ügens mis Meurth
Sunday, 28th March
Gwenton ew, ha ma hedna ow menya gwrians dres oll an pow. Otta nebes chôkys meur aga dros adro dhe glehta Peran, ow mos a-jei ha mes a'n trohow beistry ûhel, ow neythy. Ma chôkys et agan chymbla ewedh. Diw edhen a wrüg omdhal et agan lowarth. Ma gwrians ha gorvewecter (ha wharth) et agan chei lebmyn! Nag üjy nevra maw bian, dew y vloodh, ow powes. Ha mars eus flogh bian, nena e vedh deray. Ma bryckys, kerry, gwariellow stoffys ha dinosâwrys war an leur. Kebmer with, na wra trebüchya! Ma meur a whel dhe wil dh'y dhama, ow tiscarga seher ha boxys.
It's spring, and that means countrywide activity. Here are some noisy jackdaws around St Piran's church tower, going in and out of the high window slits, nesting. There are jackdaws in our chimney too. Two birds fought in our garden. There's activity and hyperactivity (and laughter) in our house now! A little boy, aged two, never stops. And if there is a young child, then there will be chaos. There are bricks, cars, stuffed toys and dinosaurs on the floor. Take care not to stumble! His mother has a lot of work to do unpacking bags and boxes.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
chôkys jackdaws < chôka (m)
clehta (m) church tower < clegh bells + tour tower
deray (m) chaos, disorder, clutter
dres oll an pow countrywide
gorvewecter (m) hyperactivity
gwrians (m) activity
meur aga dros noisy (possessive should be appropriate to noun)
neythy to nest
omdhal to fight, struggle, wrestle
trohow slots, slits < trogh (m)
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