
Showing posts from April, 2021

2021 Day 120

  2021 Dedh Cans hag Ügens De Gwener, degves warn ügens mis Ebrel Friday, 30th April Ma gour dhe'n hos malart. Otta hei et agan lowarth e'n mettin a-varr. Ma mir balshak lowr dhe'n cülyek hos! Martesen, mons ow whilas has po melwhes. Ma whath rew war an gwels ha'n brially e'n skeujow, saw teudhys ew e'n tòbmder an howl. Ma guckous meskys gen brially ogas dhe'n ke, reb an wedhen shirys vian. (Na wrüga vy besca cawas shiryen veth!) Ma tokyn warnedhy, "keresen blatt". Ha ello whei gweles an  chôka?  Ma bleujyow aval e'n kewedh - martesen e vedh bledhen vas rag avalow. (Na veu pur dha an vledhen dremenys.) The duck has a husband. Here she is in our garden early in the morning. The drake looks rather thread-bare! Perhaps, they are looking for seeds or slugs. There is still frost on the grass and primroses in the shadows, but it has thawed in the warmth of the sun. There are bluebells mixed with primroses near the hedge, by the little cherry tree. (I...

2021 Day 119

  2021 Dedh Cans ha Nawnjek De Yow, nawes warn ügens mis Ebrel Thursday, 29th April   Ma nebes specyal gen gevellyon egwal, dew vaw kehaval po dew dhen kehaval, formys dhort üdn oy. Pecar ew gen gevellesow. Meurgerys ens en whedhlow ow concernya hüdoryon ha grahes. Terweythyow gwiskys ens e'n keth dilhas.  Piw a ell dismygya an eyl dhort y gila? Nag üjy gevellyon/gevellesow dihaval ow presentya an keth caletter. Genys ens an keth termyn, bes anjei alja bos reydh deffrans, mens deffrans, liwans deffrans, ha kebmys a eus. Na whath, anjei ell bos whath qwethys nebes pecar. There is something special with identical male twins, two identical boys or two identical men, formed from one egg. It's the same with female twins. They're popular in stories involving magicians and witches. Sometimes, they are dressed in the same clothes. Who can distinguish one from the other? Non-identical twins do not present the same problem. They are born at the same time, but they could be a d...

2021 Day 118

  2021 Dedh Cans hag Etek De Merher, ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel Wednesday, 28th April   Terweythyow res ew dhebm scodhya war fôtôs kemerys gen pobel erel. Nag o vy trigys en Redrüdh, ha nag ew gwelys genam Kresen Kernow nanj ew termyn hir. En certan, na wrüga vy mos ena en termyn nos. Ow mergh a gachas an loor leun en telher gwev.  Cadn o an lòrgan. Na wrüga vy cacha an loor, bes o hedna lòrgan po neb gòlow aral? Hedhyw mettin my a welas an hos ma et ow lowarth. Nag eus poll heyjy dhe nei. Malart ew saw nag ew cülyek hos. Na wrüg hei còrtos termyn hir. Sometimes I must depend upon photos taken my other people. I don't live in Redruth, and I haven't seen Kresen Kernow for a long time. Certainly, I have not gone there at night. My daughter caught the full moon in an appropriate position. The moonlight was brilliant. I didn't catch the moon, but was that moonlight or some other light? This morning I saw this duck in my garden. We do not have a duck pond. It's a mallard...

2021 Day 117

  2021 Dedh Cans ha Seytek De Meurth, seythves warn ügens mis Ebrel Tuesday, 27th April   Eus nowodhow deffrans veth? E veu dhebm hedhyw nebes kescows war Zoom, ha nei a wrüg kestalkya adro dhe'n kethsam maters avel an termyn kensena. Piw a wrüg cawas pigow breghlin? Onan po dew? Era effects drog? A wrüg nebonan mos dhe'n shoppys po an tavern? A wrüss ta debry pres e'n lowarth? Pe lies pimp a wrüss ta eva? Nebonan a gawas te dehen cabm. Piw ew kellys? En gwettha pres, e vedh encledhyans De Gwener. A veu Covid an câws? Eus towl veth dhe nebonan dhe vos dres mor e'n hav ma? Ma Peder ow towlel dhe vos dhe Enys Wyth! Pur ger ew an keybal kerry (deg pens ha trei ügens).   Is there any different news at all? Today I had some conversations on Zoom and we talked about the same things as the previous time. Who had vaccinations? One or two? Were there any ill effects? Did anyone go to the shops or the pub? Did you eat a meal in the garden? How many pints did you drink? Someone...

2021 Day 116

  2021 Dedh Cans ha Whetek De Lün, wheffes warn ügens mis Ebrel Monday, 26th April   Nag era vy nevra gweles howlsedhes dhort ow lowarth, drefen bos menedh war tûa'n west, bes terweythyow my a wel loor leun en derafa war tûa'n est. Calish ew dhe weles manilyon war loor leun gen camera kebmyn ha heb gweder aspia. Nag ew hei bes kelgh gwydn spladn. Ma dhe Rod Lyon fôtôs gwell a vanilyon pecar'a craters. Ma va ow ûsya telescôp ha camera gwell. Da ew genam kemeres pictours a manilyon dhe dhorn. Mirowgh ort an crevednow ma. Ma mir dhodhans a graters münys, ha mir dhe'n vernigen a venedh. I don't ever see a sunset from my garden, because there's a hillside towards the west, but sometimes I see a full moon rising towards the east. It's difficult to see details on a full moon with an ordinary camera and without a telescope. It is just a bright, white circle. Rod Lyon has better photos of details such as craters. He uses a telescope and a better camera. I like taking...

2021 Day 115

  2021 Dedh Cans ha Pemdhek De Sül, pempes warn ügens mis Ebrel Sunday, 25th April Enviüs o vy. Theram ow perthy avy ort ow flehes wydn, drefen bos re a nerth dhodhans, ha ma whans dhebm a radn anodho! Nag üjons kemeres own rag ardhow; mons ow pònya war venedhyow ha crambla war garrygy. Nag ens ownek. Nag ew gwens ha dowr yeyn caletter brâs dhodhans, ha piw eus othom a skichow dhodho? Flehes ew heb complethter; mons ow cavas lôwender en taclow sempel, pecar'a trampolîn po tesen bednbloodh. I'm envious. I'm envious of my grandchildren, because they have too much energy, and I want some of it! They are not afraid of high places; they run on hillsides and climb on rocks. They are not scared. Wind and cold water are not a problem to them, and who needs shoes? Children are uncomplicated - they find delight in simple things, like a trampoline or a birthday cake. Deg ger rag hedhyw:   Ten words for today ardh  (f)  high place bos whans (dhe … a …)  to want, desire carr...

2021 Day 114

   2021 Dedh Cans ha Peswardhek De Sadorn, pajwora warn ügens mis Ebrel Saturday, 24th April Ma lavar coth en Sowsnek adro dhe'n gog. "En mis Ebrel, dos hei a wra. Nena, en mis Me, hei a wra cana oll an jedh." Soweth, nag eus cog veth na fella, hevel dhebm. Bettegens, ma whath bleujyow creiys warlergh cuckous. Ottòbma bleujyow an gog reb an eglos. Saw nag ew an re ma an flourys üdnek gen hanow na. Otta bleujen an gog; hebma a vedn dos moy diwedhes. Scavyliggyon a vedh moy diwedhes ewedh. En men termyn, en keow, ma coskednin lowr, enwejek aga blas. Hag òbma ma lilak, wheg y sawarn, ow tevy en gwels. There's an old saying in English about the cuckoo. "In April, come she will. Then, in May, she'll sing all day." Unfortunately, there are no cuckoos any more, it seems to me. However, there are still plenty of flowers named after cuckoos. Here are bluebells by the church. But these are not the only flowers with that name. Here is Lady's Smock; this will co...