2021 Day 119

 2021 Dedh Cans ha Nawnjek

De Yow, nawes warn ügens mis Ebrel

Thursday, 29th April


Ma nebes specyal gen gevellyon egwal, dew vaw kehaval po dew dhen kehaval, formys dhort üdn oy. Pecar ew gen gevellesow. Meurgerys ens en whedhlow ow concernya hüdoryon ha grahes. Terweythyow gwiskys ens e'n keth dilhas.  Piw a ell dismygya an eyl dhort y gila? Nag üjy gevellyon/gevellesow dihaval ow presentya an keth caletter. Genys ens an keth termyn, bes anjei alja bos reydh deffrans, mens deffrans, liwans deffrans, ha kebmys a eus. Na whath, anjei ell bos whath qwethys nebes pecar.

There is something special with identical male twins, two identical boys or two identical men, formed from one egg. It's the same with female twins. They're popular in stories involving magicians and witches. Sometimes, they are dressed in the same clothes. Who can distinguish one from the other? Non-identical twins do not present the same problem. They are born at the same time, but they could be a different sex, a different size, different colouring, etc. However, they can still be dressed a bit alike.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

concernya to concern, involve

dihaval non-identical

egwal ~ kehaval identical

gevellesow twins (f)

gevellyon twins (m)

gwrahes ~ gwrathes witches < gwragh ~ gwrath (f)

ha kebmys a eus et cetera, etc.

hüdoryon magicians < hüdor (m)

liwans (m) colouring

mens (m) size (can also use brâster)

reydh (f) sex, gender



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