2021 Day 118
De Merher, ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel
Wednesday, 28th April
Terweythyow res ew dhebm scodhya war fôtôs kemerys gen pobel erel. Nag o vy trigys en Redrüdh, ha nag ew gwelys genam Kresen Kernow nanj ew termyn hir. En certan, na wrüga vy mos ena en termyn nos. Ow mergh a gachas an loor leun en telher gwev. Cadn o an lòrgan. Na wrüga vy cacha an loor, bes o hedna lòrgan po neb gòlow aral? Hedhyw mettin my a welas an hos ma et ow lowarth. Nag eus poll heyjy dhe nei. Malart ew saw nag ew cülyek hos. Na wrüg hei còrtos termyn hir.
Sometimes I must depend upon photos taken my other people. I don't live in Redruth, and I haven't seen Kresen Kernow for a long time. Certainly, I have not gone there at night. My daughter caught the full moon in an appropriate position. The moonlight was brilliant. I didn't catch the moon, but was that moonlight or some other light? This morning I saw this duck in my garden. We do not have a duck pond. It's a mallard but it's not a drake. She didn't wait for long.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
cacha to catch, capture
cadn ~ cann brilliant, pure white
cülyek hos (m) drake
en termyn nos at night
gwev appropriate (can also use own)
hos (m) duck
Kresen Kernow the Cornwall Centre
lòrgan (m) moonlight, moonshine
malart (m) mallard
poll heyjy (m) duckpond
scodhya war to rely upon, depend upon
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