2021 Day 146
2021 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Whegh
De Merher, wheffes warn ügens mis Me
Wotiwedh, ma'n howl ow spladna ha my ell kerdhes adro dhe'n lowarth. Ma kensa manegow an spryjyon hir ow tevy emesk an bleujow kenis ha dreys. My a welas üdn wenenen vlewek vrâs (saw nag eus tycky-Duw veth hedhyw). Ma meur a spern gwydn en pub le, reb an eglos, rag ensampel. Termyn my a veu flogh, thera lies whîl derow. Anjei a longyas dhe neyja en beistry gòlowys egor e'n termyn an nos. Ma dhodhans dewgorn teg - pecar'a plüv. En gwettha pres thens tanow lebmyn, awos ûs ladh preves.
At last, the sun is shining and I can walk around the garden. A first tall foxglove is growing among the campions and brambles. I saw one big hairy bumblebee (but there aren't any butterflies today). There is a lot of may blossom everywhere, by the church, for instance. When I was a child, there were many Maybugs. They used to fly in open lighted windows at night time. They have beautiful antennae - like feathers. Unfortunately, they are now rare, because of pesticide use.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
bleujow kenis campions < bleujen genisen (f) (spider flower)
dewgorn (dual plural) antennae < corn (m)
dreys brambles < dreysen (f)
gwenenen vlewek (f) bumblebee, "hairy" bee
ladh preves (m) insecticide
manegow spryjyon foxgloves (folks' gloves) or m. lowarn
rag ensampel for instance, for example
spern gwydn whitethorn, mayflowers, hawthorn, may blossom
tanow rare, uncommon
whîl derow (m) cockchafer (beetle), Maybug, doodlebug
wotiwedh finally, at last (can also use war an diwedh)
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