2021 Day 178
2021 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens hag Etek
De Sül, seythves warn ügens mis Efen
Sunday, 27th June
Ma soweneth ha falladow en plansow keffres ha bownans a vabden. Nanj ew diw vledhen, nebonan a ros dhebm plans clegh an cawr. Na veu flourys veth warnodho e'n kensa hav na second hav. Plans diwvledhednek ewa, saw ma va ow pleujowa et y dryja hav. A vedh has rag henedh môy? Nag eus dhebm bes diw shiryen - na vedh anjei lowr dhe wül crampes frût. Ma lies aval ow tevy e'n vledhen ma bes ow gwedhen per vy ew falladow meur. Ma pub peren vian ow treylya dû ha codha dhe'n dor. Whath môy defalebys ew nebes eyrin reb an trolergh. Re vrâs ha coynt ens. Na wrüga vy besca (bysqweth) gweles nep tra a'n par ma kens lebmyn. Martesen ma neb creatur ettans. E veu dhebm droglam creatur bian e'n chei. Lowarn yonk a wrüg dos war jei ha trettya an plansow reb an veister.
There's success and failure in plants as well as in human life. Two years ago, someone gave me a Canterbury bells plant. There weren't any flowers on it in the first summer nor the second summer. It's a biennial plant, but it is flowering in its third summer. Will there be seeds for another generation? I only have two cherries - they won't be enough to make a fruit pie. There are lots of apples this year but my pear tree is a major failure. Every little pear is going black and falling off. Even more deformed are some sloes by the footpath. They are too large and strange. I have never seen anything like this before now. Perhaps there is some creature in them. I had a small creature catastrophe in the house. A young fox came inside and trampled the plants by the window.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
a vabden human < mabden (m) human being
bleujowa to bloom, flower
clegh an cawr Canterbury bells, the giant's bells
defalebys deformed
diwvledhednek biennial
falladow (m) failure
hanath ha scala Canterbury bells, cup and saucer
henedh (m) generation
plansow plants, vegetation (can also use losow)
shiryen ~ keresen (f) cherry
sowena ~ soweneth (f) success
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