2021 Day 206
2021 Dedh Dew Cans ha Whegh
De Sül, pempes warn ügens mis Gorefen
Sunday, 25th July
Thera dhen mettin nerthek: trei flogh besy ow lebmel ha gwary. Mirowgh! Fatel o vy ûhel. Gero nei cachya tycky-Duw! Ma gwelen-roos peskecha dhebm. Nag eus pesk veth ow neyja obma bes my ell gweles tycky-Duw ow neyja. Ma prei modelya nowydh dhebm. Gwell via genam gwil den ergh melyn po boos pretendyes. Na veu whans dhodhans a dhebry an keth boos rag li po kidnyow. Na alja anjei bos sedhys rag moy es peder mynysen en üdn skèth. Üjy an flehes nevra ow cessya heb gwaya? Teyr eur hag e veu hanajen vrâs. Gellys ew oll an flehes rag nebes ourys. Onan anodhans a dheuth tre gen kei bian termyn mos dhe'n gwily. Pur gòsel ew an kei.
We had an energetic morning: three busy children jumping and playing. Look! How high I am. Let's catch a butterfly! I have a fishing net. There are no fish swimming here but I can see a butterfly flying. I have some new modelling clay. I'd rather make a yellow snowman or some pretend food. They didn't want to eat the same food for breakfast or lunch. They couldn't be seated for more than four minutes at a stretch. Do the children ever stop moving? Three o'clock and there was a big sigh of relaxation. All the children were gone for several hours. One of them came back at bedtime with a small dog. The dog is very quiet.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
cessya heb to stop, cease (doing something)
disqwithans (m) relaxation
gwelen-roos (f) small net with a handle
hanajen (f) sigh
modelya (vn) modelling
mynysen (f) minute
nerthek energetic
peskecha (m) fishing.
skèth (m) stretch (of time)
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