2021 Day 208
De Meurth, seythves warn ügens mis Gorefen
Tuesday, 27th July
Pur hebask ew an chei hedhyw - ha hedna ew coynt! Ûsyes o vy dhe dros ha godoryn. Hedhyw my ell gosôwes ort mûsek heb astalyans. Ken vorr, my alja mires orth radn An Gwariow Olympyk e'n tele. E vedh seytek dedh a gesstrif. Hedhyw ew an pajwora dedh. Eus medalys dhe Breten Veur whath? Ma dhen trei hans athlêt trei ügens ha pemdhek, bes na wrüg bes radn anodhans strivya betaneur-ma. An para yonk ma a lappyoresow artistyk a waynyas medalys brons. Otta medal arhans rag triathlon benenes. Ha medalys owr rag sedha kettermynek (dhort leur deg meter ûhel). Ha nag ew an re na oll an medalys.
The house is very peaceful today - and that is strange! I am accustomed to noise and disorder. Today I can listen to music without interruption. Alternatively, I could watch part of the Olympic Games on T.V. There will be seventeen days of competition. Today is the fourth day. Does Great Britain have any medals yet? We have 375 athletes, but only some have competed thus far. This young team of artistic gymnasts won bronze medals. Here is a silver medal for the women's triathlon. And gold medals for synchronised diving (from a 10m high platform). And those are not all the medals.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
astalyans (m) interruption
betaneur-ma thus far, until now
bos ûsyes dhe ~ gen to be accustomed to
godoryn (m) disorder, muddle, etc.
ken vorr ~ fordh as an alternative, alternatively
kesstrif (m) competition
kettermynek synchronised, synchronic
lappyoresow gymnasts < lappyores (f)
medalys medals
strivya ~ kesstrivya to compete
trei hans three hundred
tros (m) noise
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