2021 Day 210
De Yow, nawes warn ügens mis Gorefen
Thursday, 29th July
Dedh blewek a veu sawys gen areth pur dhe les e'n gordhûher. Meur ras dhe Ben Bruch ha Joe Eska. Anethow teknologieth kedhlow ha kescomûnyans a wrüg ow galosegy gosôwes ort dew dhen ow clappya dhort radnow America deffrans. Anjei a wras appôsyans a lether berr dhort William Bodinar dhe Daines Barrington. Barrington o den jentyl a'n class ûhel gen whans a wodhvos - era Kernôwegoryon po Kernôwegoresow veth en Kernow? Era po nag era? A veu gòstel dhodho? Ev a glowas Dolly Pentreath, etho ev a waynyas y wòstel. Na wrüga va whilas kedhlow moy dhort Bodinar (na rei dhodho mona veth). Soweth! Hedna veu ahoson kellys. Bodinar o pescader. Era supersticyon emesk pescaders? Ev a elwas y hònan "dean Bodjack an puscas" - martesen na veu whans dhodho a ownekhe an puskes dhe ves. Ma dhen pictours a Barrington ha Dolly, bes nag eus imach a Bodinar. Soweth! Nag o va mar aswonys avel Dolly. O Bodinar den lettrys? Na wrüg ev besca gweles lever Kernôwek - bes martesen ev a oyas (wodhyas) redya Sowsnek. Thew an lether dasscrif vas, dres lycklod.
A boring day was saved by a very interesting lecture in the evening. Thank you Ben Bruch and Joe Eska. The wonders of information and communication technology allowed me to listen to two men talking from different parts of America. They made an examination of a short letter from William Bodinar to Daines Barrington. Barrington was an upper-class gentleman with curiosity - were there any Cornish speakers left in Cornwall? Were there or weren't there? Did he have a wager? He heard Dolly Pentreath, so he won his bet. He didn't seek more information from Bodinar (or give him any money). What a pity! That was a lost opportunity. Bodinar was a fisherman. Was there a superstition among fishermen? He called himself "a poor man of the fish" - perhaps he didn't want to scare the fishes away. We have pictures of Barrington and Dolly, but there is no image of Bodinar. What a pity! He was not as well-known as Dolly. Was Bodinar an educated man? He never saw a Cornish book - but perhaps he could read English. The letter is probably a fair copy.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
aneth (m) wonder, marvel
appôsyans (m) examination, interrogation
areth (m) lecture
galosegy to enable, facilitate
gòstel (m) wager, bet
kescomûnyans (m) communication
sawys saved, rescued
kedhlow (plural) information
ownekhe to scare, frighten
teknologieth (m) technology
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