2021 Day 212
De Sadorn, üdnegves warn ügens mis Gorefen
Saturday, 31st July
Ma kellys genam ow hamera! Pe le ma va? My a'n trouvyas bes nena my a wrüg y gelly arta. Thera flehes obma hedhyw, ow qwary gwariow teg et ow lowarth, bes nag eus genam fotos veth anodhans. Na wrüga nei mires ort an Gwariow Olympyk. Pandr'eus kellys gena nei? E veu lies kesstrif rag tüs po benenes üdnek ha rag parys. Da ew genam sport warbydn ûsadow, ke nag o vy campyer en onan anodhans veth. Ma cledhya - my a sayas hedna. Gen saber, whei ell gweskel agas adversary a-ûgh dhe'n wast. Na wrüga vy besca saya lebmel gen gwelen, sethorieth, pel-voly treth, po resegva clòjyow. Martesen ow mab gwydn yonk a vedn gwil diwrosya BMX.
I've lost my camera! Where is it? I found it but then I lost it again. There were children here today, playing beautiful games in my garden, but I have no photos of them. We didn't watch the Olympic Games. What did we miss? There were many contests for individuals and for teams. I like unusual sports, though I am a champion in any one of them. There's fencing - I tried that. With a sabre, you can hit your opponent above the waist. I never tried pole vault, archery, beach volleyball or hurdles race. Perhaps my young grandson will do BMX cycling.
Eth ger rag hedhyw Eight words for today
campyer (m) champion
cledhya fencing
clòjyow ~ clòsyow hurdles
den ~ benyn üdnek individual
diwrosya cycling
lebmel gen gwelen pole vault
parys teams < para (m)
pel-voly treth (m) beach volleyball
saber (m) sabre
sethorieth (f) archery
warbydn ûsadow unusual
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