2021 Day 240
2021 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew Ügens
De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Est
Saturday, 28th August
Na veu termyn lowr dhe bedery adro dhe sport hedhyw. Ma teylû obma. Tabm ha tabm devedhys ew anjei! Gerowgh nei gweles! En kensa, otta maw bian reb hûjes delkyow. Po ens delkyow herwedh ûsadow hag onan a'n Bobel Vian? Ew hebma onan a'n Düs Vian emesk an mor dû ha'n linas? Nag ew. Hemm'ew tycky-Duw gwydn bian. Pandr'ew hedna? Modrep yonk ha noy yonca ell gweles neppeth e'n vôwnder. Nei a welas codna gwydn bian an degensete. Otta flehes moy. Lebmyn ma ownter ha cosin ewedh. Ha'n gorownter? Nebes gajagh ew ev. Gwell via ganjo gòrtos a-ves a flehes tervüs.
There wasn't enough time to think about sport today. There's a family here. Bit by bit they've arrived! Let's see! First, here's a little boy by huge leaves. Or are they normal leaves and one of the Little People? Is this one of the Little People among the blackberries and the nettles? No. This is a small white butterfly. What is that? Young auntie and younger nephew can see something in the lane. We saw a little weasel the day before yesterday. Here are some more children. Now there's an uncle and a cousin too. And the great-uncle? He's a bit off-colour. He'd rather stay away from boisterous children.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
an Bobel/Düs Vian the Little People
(an) degensete the day before yesterday
codna gwydn (m) weasel
cosin (mf) cousin
gajagh poorly, off-colour
gòrtos a-ves a to stay away from
herwedh ûsadow normal
hûjes huge (goes before the noun)
linas nettles > linhajen (f)
modrep (f) aunt, auntie
ownter (m) uncle > great-uncle gorownter
tervüs boisterous, noisy, disruptive
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