2021 Day 242
2021 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Dew
De Lün, degves warn ügens mis Est
Monday, 30th August
Ass ew teg an medalys Tokyo! Desînys ens adro dhe motif a wynsell a Japan tradicyonal. Ma hebma ow tisqwedhes an Gwariow Paralympyk pecar'a venten a wens nowydh hag er ow whetha dres oll an norves. Magata, thens experyens kevrednek ow junya warbarth colonow ha bresyow divers. Ma poynt milyer, "kaname", ow senjy oll an delkyow gwynsell warbarth, avel dres warbarth ew an bobel, heb gwil vry a nacyonalita po ethnicita. Ma'n delkyow ow sevel avel arwòdh a garrygy, flourys, gwedh, del ha dowr - radnow kerthyn natural Japan. Ha gwres ew an medalys a vetols dasûsyes dhort lies dornfôn ha darbarow electronyk bian res gen an bobel a Japan.
How beautiful the Tokyo medals are! They are designed around the motif of a traditional Japanese fan. This shows the Paralympic Games as a source of a fresh new wind blowing throughout the world. Also, they are a shared experience connecting diverse hearts and minds. A pivot point, "kaname", holds all of the leaves of the fan together, like the people are brought together, regardless of nationality or ethnicity. The leaves symbolise rocks, flowers, trees, leaves and water - parts of Japan's natural environment. And the medals are made of recycled metals from many mobile phones and small electronic devices donated by the people of Japan.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
carrygy rocks < carrek (f)
colonow hearts (no pre-occlusion) < colon (f)
dres oll an norves throughout the world
gwynsell (f) fan < gwens ~ gwyns (m) wind
heb gwil vry a regardless of
junya warbarth to connect (together)
kevrednek shared, mutual
milyer (m) pivot, axis
sevel avel arwòdh a to symbolise
venten (f) source
whetha to blow
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